标题: 电荷帮浦式锁相回路之模型及分析
Modeling and Analysis of the Charge-Pump Phase-Locked Loop
作者: 黄上修
Huang Shang-Hsiu
Cheng Mu-Huo
关键字: 电荷帮浦式锁相回路;周期二的限制循环;charge-pump PLL;limit cycle of period two
公开日期: 1999
摘要: 非线性时变系统的电荷帮浦式锁相回路在诸多应用中相当重要,因而希望
建立能精确地描述此系统的模型。本论文针对采用电阻电容串联而成的回路滤波器,以及具有线性特性的电压受控震荡器架构下电荷帮浦式锁相回路,提出完整描述此系统的模型。此模型考虑到锁住模式、失锁模式以及电压受控震荡器过载等不同状况,而推导出关于这些状况的差分方程式,并以流程图来表示此系统正确响应的计算过程及计算方式。藉由模拟结果可显示本论文所提出的模型可以更正确地描述此系统。 此外,对于在电荷帮浦式锁相回路中,所谓周期二的限制循环之现象,本论文亦推导出使得周期二的限制循环具有局部稳定性的充分必要条件,
The charge-pump PLL is a nonlinear time-varying system which is important in many applications. It is desired to have a model which can describe the system as accurately as possible. A complete model for the charge-pump PLL with RC loop filter and linear VCO characteristic is proposed in the thesis. The model
derives all difference equations associated with the conditions of lock-in mode, out-of-lock mode, and VCO overload, and combines them to establish a flow chart for the calculations of the exact responses of the system. Simulations are performed to show that the proposed model can more completely describe the system. Further, one phenomenon arises in the charge-pump PLL is the limit cycle of period two. In the thesis we also present the necessary and sufficient condition for the charge-pump PLL to have locally stable limit cycle of period two, and the equilibrium values of timing error and voltage are obtained.
Chapter 2: Modeling of the Charge-Pump PLL in Lock-in Mode
Chapter 3: Modeling of the Charge-Pump PLL in Out-of-Lock Mode
Chapter 4: Analysis of Limit Cycle of Period Two
Chapter 5: Conclusions