Title: 飽和吸收體被動鎖模光纖雷射之研製
Study of Passively Mode-Locked Er-Doped Fiber Laser with Semiconductor Saturable Absorber
Authors: 蒙宏堯
Richard Mong
Yinchieh Lai
Keywords: 被動鎖模;光纖雷射;飽和吸收體;passively mode-locked;fiber laser;saturable absorber
Issue Date: 1999
Abstract: 在本論文中我們探討並實際架設環型半導體飽和吸收體被動鎖模摻鉺光纖雷射系統。在實驗上初步成功地架設了一自啟動之可調波長被動鎖模摻鉺光纖雷射,並且進一步藉由主被動混合式之結構作為對照組,觀察到對摻鉺光纖雷射系統而言相當罕見的Q-switched mode-locking現象。在理論上也成功地把脈衝對稱的變分理論推廣到脈衝非對稱的變分理論,以進一步解釋慢速飽和吸收體對脈衝波形的影響。
In this thesis we study a Er-doped fiber ring laser passively mode-locked by a semiconductor saturable absorber. A self-started tunable passively mode-locked fiber laser system is demonstrated successfully. From the experimental result of a hybrid modelocking structure, we observe Q-switched mode-locking phenomenon which is to our knowledge rarely seen in Er-doped fiber laser system. We also succeed on extending the evolution equating model for the case of symmetric pulse shape to the case of asymmetric pulse shape, and use this generalized theory to study how the slow saturable absorber influences the pulse shape.
Appears in Collections:Thesis