標題: 數位圖書資訊服務策略聯盟績效之研究
A Study on the Performance of Strategic Alliances in Digital library Services
作者: 余玉英
Ih-Ing Yu
Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu
關鍵字: 數位圖書;策略聯盟;資訊服務;digital library;strategic alliances;library service
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 近年來資訊科技的進步,在電腦軟硬體的技術快速成長,網際網路的普及,使用者檢索資料已不受時空限制,如何提升服務讀者的品質,勢必要提供更多的資料庫,但經費以及人力之問題已是全國各大圖書館之隱憂,如何在有限經費下,結合力量,達成資源共享聯盟,對內向政府單位爭取補助經費,對外與資訊供應商就價格與權益協商、談判、引進電子資源。 本研究以 1. SWOT策略分析數位化圖書館之優缺點以及外部環境之機會與威脅。 2. 利用交易成本及賽局理論分析數位化圖書資訊服務聯盟之績效。 本研究整理得聯盟績效:參加聯盟的會員,其負擔的費用、人力、使用電子資源的條件與範圍、使用電子資源遇到的法律問題之解決、停購後資料取用問題、資料庫系統問題及學習經驗的分享都比未參加聯盟者為優。雖然會員個數及服務人數均增加,但使用資料庫系統的方便性與速度、軟硬體技術的提升、訓練與推廣之績效並不理想,亟需改善。 其改善之建議為 1. 加強頻寬 校園及區域網路建議架設專線,國際網路頻寬應隨資料量增加不斷拓寬。 2. 研發資料庫系統 在價購時要求出版商價格應合理,不應將研發的成本全數轉價給消費者。 3. 增聘圖書館資訊專業人員 加強館員的相關知識及增聘資訊專業人員。 4. 加強推廣與教育訓練 推廣與教育訓練,可按區域網路中心負責,學校先推廣,再由這些學校對該區域網路的學校做教育訓練。必須全體館員及全校師生共同參與,才能提昇國內的研究環境及教學品質,避免國家經費的浪費。
The evolution of information technology, the rapid growth of computer software and hardware, as well as the popularity of the internet use, have facilitated a convenient environment for the users. To upgrade the service quality, it is necessary to furnish more databases to meet research demands. Nevertheless, the budget and the manpower have been the major problems for the large libraries nationwide. Therefore, to combine the resources through establishing the alliance of university libraries, most libraries have a chance to compensate their budgets from the government and negotiate the price and pertinent rights of use with the database vendors. As a result, this research aims to address the following issues: 1. To evaluate the strength and weakness of the digital library, as well as its opportunity and threat of external environment via the SWOT analysis. 2. To evaluate the performance of the alliance of digital library service via the transaction cost and game theory. This research concludes that the performance of the said alliance have the advantages in terms of its expense and manpower, using electronic resources, legal issues, data retrieval, solving the database problems, and sharing of learning experience for the participants. Even though the participants and the provided services of the allied consortium are increasing, the convenience and speed in using the database system, the upgrade of software and hardware, and the performance of training and distribution, are to be improved in many aspects. This study suggests the following items to be conducted in the near future. 1. To broaden the bandwidth: It is suggested to set up the specific leased-line within the campus and local area networks. The internet bandwidth shall be continuously enlarged in accordance with the increase of data. 2. To conduct research on the database system:. It is not reasonable to make the consumer suffer the cost resulting from the R&D expenses for the databases. The consortium needs to bargain for a lower price when procuring the system 3. To hire the professional personnel: It is necessary to strengthen the professional knowledge of the crew and recruit the IT professionals for solving relevant issues. 4. To proceed with the educational training: Each local center shall facilitate the educational training. Continuing education and campus learning are the foundation for the social progress and national competitiveness.