Title: 建築設施在營運與維護階段資訊共享-以學校教室為例
Information Sharing Building Facilities Operation and Maintenance Phase—a University Classroom Example
Authors: 李兆平
Chao-Ping Lee
Dr. Ren-Jye Dzeng
Keywords: 營運與維護;資訊共享;IFC;XML;Operation and Maintenance;Data Sharing;IFC;XML
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 建築設施資訊隨著建築設施自規劃階段開始,歷經設計、招標、發包、施工階段(興建期),數量與種類隨著各階段不同團隊加入而隨之增加。營運與維護階段(營運期)位於施工階段之後,建築設施內各項設備的使用與維護管理作業所需求資訊多來自於興建期所產生的資訊。營運期遠較興建期長且支出也多,為了在營運期發揮建築設施原有之設計功能且符合經濟效益,必須對建築設施進行有效率的營運與維護作業,取得所需資訊的是關鍵點之一。 由於建築設施完工後所留下的資訊種類繁雜、數量龐大,各項設備的相關訊息往往分散於不同種類資訊間,使的蒐集資訊有其困難。加上以紙本作為資訊傳播媒介且格式不一的情況,使得資訊在更新維護與再利用上有其不便之處,造成資訊版本不一,資訊重複建置等情況。 本研究針對建築設施在營運與維護階段內各項作業,參與人員及所需求資訊加以分析探討,提出一資訊共享模型,使得各項作業的參與人員能有效率的獲得所需求資訊。透過目前已有的資訊標準(IFC、XML等)來建立標準化的電子化資訊,輔以共享資料庫及網際網路傳遞,以解決資訊更新不易、版本衝突的情況,提升營運與維護作業之效率。
Construction facilities requires maintenance, remodeling, or extension due to its design and construction flaws, its use, and damages from nature. Many problems may occur in the operation and maintenance phase due to inaccurate or incomplete as-built facility information, designer’s failure to obtain feedback from user’s opinions or design-related construction problems from previous similar projects, and ineffective communication between project participants. CALS (Continuous Acquisition and Life-cycle Support) provides a framework for project data sharing by building a common sharable project database using existing standards, eg:IFC or XML. CALS has been successfully applied in the defense and manufacturing industries. This research intends to solve the aforementioned problems by developing a CALS model for the operation and maintenance phase of a construction facility. The paper uses university calssroom as an example to describe the development.
Appears in Collections:Thesis