標題: 應用IFC於規範自動審查系統-RC柱構件之研究
Application of IFC in automated code checking system against RC column members
作者: 周承禹
Cheng-Yu Chou
Shih-Lin Hung
關鍵字: IFC;BIM;IFCReinforcingBar;自動規範審查;IFC;BIM;IFCReinforcingBar;automated code checking
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 國際標準組織ISO制定了許多的標準涵蓋各個領域,而標準的推行將隱含著技術的領先與市場的競爭,所以標準的制定必須是嚴謹的。另一國際組織IAI則推動以工程應用領域為主的資訊標準,在工程應用領域的資訊標準的推動下,解決了建築物生命週期內資料交換與傳遞時所造成的成本浪費問題,IFC(Industrial Foundation Classes)標準格式就是目前工程界常用的標準格式之ㄧ,而剛興起的BIM(Building Information Model)概念也是以IFC標準格式為基礎所發展出來的,BIM概念有別於傳統CAD繪圖軟體,是以物件的方式來處理建築構件,將構件的資料以屬性的方式存在物件中。新加坡所使用的電子化法規自動審核系統(e-PlanCheck)同樣也是以IFC檔案格式作為標準格式,上傳工程方案的圖檔,由電腦依照法規來檢核,加快了審核的速度,從原本平均兩個禮拜的審查時間縮短為二個工作天。 本研究希望利用BIM的物件導向特性與IFC標準資料格式,發展一套線上的規範自動審核系統,以我國的建築規範作為審核的標準,使用IFCEngine OCX&DLL程式作為輔助開發的工具,這是一個免費的IFC實體檔案存取的應用程式介面,我們將以此為基礎,加以開發與應用,來完成我們的審查系統。但是基於時間的限制,決定以「RC柱構件」為主題,將RC柱構件的相關規範寫入系統,作為審核重點。本研究額外撰寫了一個可設計柱構件之柱筋且符合IFC格式的程式,來彌補目前建築CAD繪圖軟體對IFC鋼筋支援的不足,也讓本研究的規範自動審核系統有鋼筋的IFC檔案可以傳入作檢核。
Standards in International Organization for Standard (ISO) cover in several domains. Establishing and following standards implies leading of technology and competition of market. Therefore, creating standards to lead engineers or companies follow is an essential task in industry. International organization IAI also develops information standard about domain of engineering application primarily. Following corresponding standards for design results in cost saving of information exchange during the life cycle of a building. In engineering construction industry, IFC (Industrial Foundation Classes) is one of most frequently applied standard formats. BIM (Building Information Model) is a novel CAD concept, developed with the basis of IFC standard format. In BIM, any member for a building is viewed as an object including conventional drawing geometry data with material, analyzed results, etc. information and stored as attributes in the object. The objective of this research is to develop an on-line automated code checking system with Taiwan's building regulation by using property of BIM and IFC standard format. Herein, freeware IFCEngine OCX&DLL program is employed as APIs platform (Application Programming Interface) to develop the system. Due to time constraints, this work only focuses on code checking of RC column members for a given building. Therefore, the corresponding building regulations about RC column members are re-coded in a data base. Although the entity of IFCReforcingBar had been defined and released in IFC, it is rarely applied in CAD system. Therefore, a program was developed for design an IFC-supported RC column member model with corresponding reinforcing bar in order to cover the drawback of the current CAD software. Reveal from study cases, the system demonstrated the feasibility of code checking for column members for a given building with IFC supported format.


  1. 657801.pdf

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