標題: 晶圓表面多量測點之線上管制系統之構建
Constructing On-Line Control System for Multiple Readings
作者: 林柏園
Bo-Yuan Lin
Li-Ing Tong
關鍵字: ActiveX控制項;晶圓變異;多量測點;線上管制系統;ActiveX control;wafer variation;multiple readings;on-line control system
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 在高科技產業中,晶圓製造可以算是最熱門、競爭最激烈的一種行業,而晶圓品質的良窳也就成為評估晶圓製造廠是否具有競爭力的關鍵因素,所有的晶圓製造廠商都亟欲提升生產線上的產品產量與品質,以滿足顧客的需求。因此如何以一套有效的管制流程來確保產品品質,已成為目前積體電路業界亟欲解決的問題。至目前為止,市面上還沒有一套SPC軟體是專門針對管制晶圓製造而設計,所以本研究之主要目的即是針對有多種變異來源的晶圓製程--晶圓內的變異(Within Wafer)、晶圓與晶圓間(Between Wafer)之變異、批量與批量間(Lot to Lot)的變異,構建出一套完整的線上管制電腦軟體,此套軟體除了能簡化管制工作、達到實質的管制效益外,並可辨認出不同的變異來源,提供失控情形的相關訊息,以利製程若發生變異時,能迅速針對問題點做修正及改善。另外,就晶圓廠內的線上工作人員而言,只要將生產線上量測所得的資料輸入軟體,馬上就可以得知目前的製程狀態是否處於穩定的狀態,即可達到即時監控製程的目的。本研究是以Visual Basic 6.0開發出管制圖的ActiveX控制項,利用ActiveX控制項的可重複使用性來減少程式碼的撰寫,也使程式碼易於維護及修改。再根據晶圓變異的管制流程,撰寫出合適的程式碼,編譯成可安裝、執行於各PC上的應用程式。
The IC wafer manufacturing is the most competitive field in high technology industry. The wafer quality plays an important role of assessing the competition ability of wafer manufacturers. Therefore, how to enhance both of the quality and quantity of wafers to satisfy customer’s requirements becomes a more and more important issue. The objective of this study is to develop an on-line control system computer software for detecting multi-variations (within-wafer variation, wafer-to-wafer variation and lot-to-lot variation) for multiple readings on wafer surface in the wafer manufacturing process. Using the software to simplify the control procedure, three different sources of variation can be separated and engineers can find the sources of variation easily. The quality of wafers and manufacturing process can then be promoted efficiently.