標題: 美國電子商務商業方法專利之探討
A Study on the US Patents of EC Business Models
作者: 蘇裕鈞
Yu-Jun Su
Dr. Shang-Jyh Liu
關鍵字: 電子商務;商業方法;專利;Electronic Commerce;Business Models;Patent
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 本論文探討美國在電子商務商業方法專利的發展。資料來源主要以美國法院判決案例及美國專利局核准之專利為主,並參照國內外相關文獻對此議題之探討。
第四階段為1996年美國專利局頒佈電腦相關發明審查基準至今,兩件重要的判決State Street Bank案及Excel案則更進一步確立商業方法的可專利性。
This research explores the development of US patents of EC Business Models, in terms of US court decisions and patent statistics. Relevant information is based primarily on the opinions of CAFC and Supreme Court, as well as patents database of USPTO.
This study summarizes the historical developments of EC patents as following:
In the period between 1972 - early 1980s, computer programs were focused on logical deduction and application of mathematical algorithms, and the court did not accept the patentability of software at this stage. The US Supreme Court, in the cases of Benson and Flook, decided that pure mathematical algorithms, though embodied in a source code performed by a computer, was not patentable. It nevertheless stated that this decision did not preclude ever finding a computer program patentable.
In the period between 1981 – early 1990s, the US Supreme Court revisited the issue of what is statutory subject matter in computer software-related inventions in Diamond v. Diehr case. This was the first US Supreme Court decision to clearly open the door for software patents.
During 1994 and 1995, the Federal Circuit issued several cases dealing with the question of whether various software-related inventions fell outside the areas of proper subject matter as unpatentable mathematical algorithms. These decisions validated that computer software-related inventions were patentable under 35 USC. 101.
In 1996, the USPTO published new guidelines for software patents and officially codified acceptance of software-related inventions. In the case State Street v. Signature of 1998, the CAFC clarified the tests for determining whether the subject matter of a computer-based business application was subject to patent protection.
This research also conducts patent analysis from USPTO’s database with relevant categories of IPC and UPC. The conclusions are made as follows.
The number of patents in method of doing business is increasing rapidly. It appears that the innovations on business methods are growing in a fast pace.
The decreasing number of patent in Internet security indicates that pertinent technologies are fairly mature.
This research recommends EC entrepreneurs in Taiwan to set up their goals and strategies for EC patents. It also suggests that the developments of EC patents follow four stages in terms of quality patent application, patent information management, patent mapping, and patents portfolio management.
Appears in Collections:Thesis