標題: 直銷產業應用電子商務現況與效益之探討
Applications and Benefits of E-Commerce on Multi-level Marketing Industry
作者: 朱昌田
Chang-tien Chu
Chih-young Hung
Chieng-chung Yuan
Jing-wen Hsin
關鍵字: 直銷業;直銷商;電子商務;網路行銷;經營管理;MLM;EC;Internet;Electronic business;Multi-level Marketing;distributor
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 90年代誕生,而後橫掃全球,並徹底改變文明科技運作模式的網際網路,其竄起無疑是20世紀末最受世人矚目的成就。由於網際網路應用範圍的深廣,延伸效益的無法估算,想當然爾早已成為全球企業界全球企業競相角逐之利器。 而在網際網路的應用領域中,電子商務的活用更是企業增加競爭優勢不可或缺的主力;透過e化和電子商務的推廣,大部份企業正在或已經改變了原先商業模式。反觀在過去十幾二十年間,以傳統人際網絡為主要通路的直銷業,其產業發展起先並不引人注目;直到近兩三年間,直銷業逐漸e化,並整合其他通路後,直銷業的競爭力早已不容忽視。藉由網路快速便捷、無遠弗屆的特性,加上電子商務服務的不分晝夜、具有十足的即時與全面性,直銷業挾其廣大且忠誠的283萬直銷人的之行銷優勢,期盼以整合網路通路和直銷產能,創造最佳效益。 由於目前電子商務書籍和相關著作雖然著墨甚多,但對於和直銷經營管理整合的文章著作卻甚為缺乏;因此,為了深入探討直銷產業與網際網路結合之優勢和未來發展,筆者希望藉由本文之書寫策略,能夠達成此一目的:首先,先就專家、學者、經營者及筆者自身的從業經驗,匯集各方資料和經驗,分析當前直銷業應用電子商務之現況;然後利用針對直銷人所設計之問卷交叉分析,探討直銷商的行為模式、商品趨勢以及對於網路的適應能力和滿意程度;另佐以目前直銷公司電子商務網站經營成功模式之範例,如安麗、雅芳等公司網站,歸納出直銷公司經營商務網站之架構與成功秘訣;並繼以探討電子商務的成本以及新型網路技術,研究直銷業在電子商務潮流中,相異於其他產業之經營優勢;並在最後提出八點建議,供直銷業者未來進行e化或發展電子商務時參考。 最後,筆者希望能夠藉由本論文結論,期盼直銷產業在埋首於科技及增加競爭優勢時,能同時兼顧人文精神與科技發展之間的平衡。
Born in 90’s and overwhelming the world for the past decade, Internet has enormously changed the world of technology and seen as the greatest invention at the end of twentieth century. Among all applications of Internet, EC--- electronic commerce, is certainly the most competitive and profitable instrument for global industries to make most benefits today. Through internet and EC, most corporations have taken or are adopting new business models. On the other hand, for the past few decades, MLM---multi-level marketing business--- had not brought so much attention because of its confined and yet consolidated traditional social relations. Until recent years, MLM had gradually adjusted its business mode by introducing EC and other Internet marketing skills, and thus had become competitive in today’s business world. Without time or space concerns, MLM business combines Internet technology with its consolidated group of 2.83 millions of distributors as marketing advantage, right now is ambitious to create most benefits out of its great potential. However, although writings and publications of E-commerce are numerous, those related to MLM have been in lack for a long time. Therefore, I would like to discuss the benefits of adopting EC in MLM business in terms of the advantages and future development of combining MLM and internet technology:First, by gathering resources from related professions, studies and my own MLM business knowledge, I will investigate current MLM circumstances. Then through the Internet investigation questionnaires towards marketing distributors, I will discuss the modes and behavior of distributors, the trends of today’s commodity, and distributors’ adaptation and satisfaction to the Internet. I will also study in further the structures and successful modes of website management by taking MLM websites such as Amway and Avon for examples. By calculating EC cost and discussing new Internet technologies I will analyze the advantages and attentions MLM corporations must notice in developing EC. Finally, I must state that, although technology is rapidly changing MLM business from head to toe as well as the whole world, humanity should nevertheless be emphasized in order to achieve a more balanced civilization.