Title: 資訊豐富度對網路購物意願之研究
A Study of Information Richness and the Willingness of Online Shopping
Authors: 邱毓蘋
Yu-Ping Chiu
Christine Pao-Fang Chang
Keywords: 網路購物;資訊豐富度;推薦資訊;產品資訊;電子商務;線上購物;網路商店;online shoppping;information richness;recommendation information;product information;E-commerce; Electronic Commerce;web sites
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 本研究以「網路購物」為研究主題,探討網站上的資訊豐富度,包括推薦資訊與產品資訊,是否會影響消費者的網路購物意願。其中,推薦資訊又包括專家推薦與使用者推薦。專家推薦方面,請一位在筆記型電腦方面的專家撰寫推薦文章,使用者推薦部分則以五顆星代表對該產品的高度滿意度。產品資訊部分則以產品資訊多與產品資訊少來區別。本研究採實驗法,經統計分析檢測後發現,推薦資訊對消費者網路購物意願有顯著影響,產品資訊對網路購物意願無顯著影響,而推薦資訊與產品資訊對消費者網路購物意願方面也無交互作用的效果。研究結果顯示,網路商店經營者在其網站購物環境的建置中,提供推薦資訊是效果最好且必要的。
The research theme of this paper was “shopping on the internet”, exploring with the application of experiments whether the degree of the abundance of information, including recommendation information and product information, would influence the willingness of online shopping.
Recommendation information was defined as professional recommendation and user’s recommendation. As for professional recommendation, researcher invited an expert of notebook to write an article to recommend experiment products. As for the user’s recommendation, researcher use five stars to represent other users’ highly recommendations. Product information was distinguished from the amount of information.
The result of statistic analysis showed that, recommendation information did have significant influence on willingness of online shopping, but neither product information nor recommendation information plus product information.
This paper showed that it’s essential for the manager of web sites to provide his online shopping environment with recommendation information.
Appears in Collections:Thesis