標題: 動態網頁內容之物件式快取系統
An Object-based Caching System for Dynamic Web Contents
作者: 陳仁和
Ren-Her Chen
Wuu Yang
關鍵字: 動態網頁;網頁快取;網頁伺服器;物件式快取;dynamic web page;web cache;web server;object-based cache
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 隨著網際網路的迅速成長與普及,上網的人數也越來越多。而含有大量動態網頁的熱門網站常常會因為數以萬計的使用者需求,而造成網頁伺服器 (web server) 癱瘓。為了解決上述的問題,提高網頁伺服器處理動態網頁的效能,許多網站紛紛採用動態網頁快取 (dynamic web page cache) 策略,把需求的動態內容快取 (cache) 起來,以改進網頁伺服器平均的回應時間 (response time)。 本論文針對以往的快取策略,提出一個新的物件化快取 (object-based cache) 策略,以提高動態網頁快取的效能,降低網頁伺服器平均的回應時間。我們依據這個新的快取策略實作出一套半自動化的快取系統,並且把它應用在三個不同性質的網站上,實驗結果證實我們的物件化快取策略可以降低伺服器平均的回應時間。而且我們的物件化快取策略不會破壞動態網頁的架構,也不需要更改網頁script的設計邏輯。
With the fast development and increasing popularity of the Internet, there are more and more Internet users. A popular website which contains a large number of dynamic web pages is frequently overwhelmed by user requests. In order to resolve the above problem, and to improve web server performance for handling dynamic contents, dynamic web page cache approaches have been gradually adopted by many websites. They could cache the results of requests for dynamic contents to reduce the average response time of web servers. In this thesis, we propose a new approach, called object-based cache, to enhance the performance of caching dynamic pages and to improve the average response time of websites. We have implemented a semi-automatic cache system which integrates our proposed technique. The experimental results show that our approach is effective in reducing server response times for the tested websites. Also, our object-based cache approach doesn't destroy the framework of a dynamic page, and needn't modify the logic of a page script.