標題: 以臭氧水消除光阻之製程研究
The study of photoresist removal by ozone-water
作者: 廖彥瑋
Jen-Sen Liao
關鍵字: 光阻去除;臭氧水;ozone-water;photoresist;removal
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 以臭氧水消除光阻之製程研究 研究生:廖彥瑋 指導教授: 羅正忠 博士 國立交通大學 電子工程學系 電子研究所碩士班 摘 要 在一般的半導體製程中都是先使用電漿(plasma asher)來去除阻, 再用硫酸去除剩餘在wafer上的光阻,最後則是再用diwater沖洗乾淨,而我的研究則是利用臭氧水直接來去除光阻;並將分幾組不同的pattern來觀察其結果。在此我們將比較在幾種不同條件下的光阻去除效果。分別是hard back的溫度、ozone water的溫度、ozone water的流速、ozone water中ozone的濃度與及不同曝光範圍的光阻(G line and I line)並且比較光阻去除效果。 實驗完之後將利用電子顯微鏡觀察各種的條件下的去除效果除此之外我們將求出不同條件的光阻去除速率,並且觀察在整個實驗過程中是否會對光阻下層的film 造成影響. 在此我們可以先預言此種去光阻的方式對於工業界將是一項有用的方法,因為整個去光阻的步驟與傳統上先用(plasma asher) 之後再用硫酸去除,比較起來,ozoner water可以省去較多的時間,並且也可以省去水及藥品的用量,可以提升工業界工廠的 throughput 並且降低cost.不失為將來可行的方法。
The study of photoresist removal by ozone-water Student: Jen-Sen Liao Advisor:Dr.Jen-Chung Lou Department of Electronics Engineering & Institute of Electronics National Chiao Tung University Abstract The organic photoresist on silicon surface stripping procrsses that currently used in manufacturing technologies are based on dry and wet strip treatment. First, using plasma asher to removal the photoresist then used H2SO4/H2O2 to removal the residues photoresist and Di-water resing. We have studied the properties of photoresist removal by ozone-water. We let the experiments in various conditions and performed the every stripping rate of photoresist. We changed the hard bake temperature, ozone-water temperature, ozone concentration and the different photoresists. After experiments we took the samples into the microscope to observe the results and check whether damage the under layer films. Our studying evaluates the ozone-water process for photoresist removal, it has potential to reduce the cost of ownership (CoO) and throughput. In addition, it can reduce the environmental impact of the current photoresist stripping processes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis