标题: 宽频分码多重进接犁耙接收器之FPGA实现及实验研究
FPGA Realization and Experimental Study of W-CDMA RAKE Receiver
作者: 陈智源
Zhi-Yuan Chen
Ta-Sung Lee
关键字: FPGA;宽频分码多重进接;犁耙接收器;FPGA;W-CDMA;RAKE receiver
公开日期: 2000
摘要: 为了实现第三代无线行动通讯,使用结合了许多先进技术的宽频分码多重进接(W-CDMA)系统是必然的趋势。另一方面,FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)是一种可规划逻辑阵列IC,使用者可以随意规划任意逻辑电路,并且可直接在FPGA IC上验证设计电路。本论文之主题为探讨宽频分码多重进接系统基频接收器数位设计实现的可行性。在本篇论文中,吾人以数位电路实现宽频分码多重进接系统基频接收系统,结合犁耙接收器(RAKE receiver)、通道估计(channel estimation)、传送功率控制(transmit power control)、自动频率控制(automatic frequency control)等。此接收机可以搜寻三个不同的路径并同时解调,并且针对频率偏移做有效估测。最后吾人提出一种数位的方法解决时脉恢复(clock recovery)的问题。论文中的电路设计是以VHDL描述并以Xilinx FPGA实现为目标。
To realize the third-generation mobile communication systems, known as International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 (IMT-2000), the wideband CDMA (W-CDMA) schemes incorporating as many recent technology developments as possible is necessary. On the other hand, FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is a programmable combinational logic IC. The user can design any logic circuit and verify the design on the FPGA IC directly. In this thesis, we investigate the feasibility of digital design of a W-CDMA baseband receiver. In particular, a digital circuit is used to realize the receiver. The circuit includes RAKE receiver, channel estimation, transmit power control and automatic frequency control, etc. The receiver consists of a searcher with three-finger combiner, and each finger can perform demodulation for three dedicated physical channels simultaneously. It can also provide effective estimation of frequency offsets. Finally, we propose a new digital method to solve the clock recovery problem in the proposed circuit. The circuit in the thesis is described by VHDL language and targeted for Xilinx FPGA implementation.