標題: 行動電話手機消費者之涉入程度及購買決策相關因素之關聯性研究
The Study of Relationships between the Involvement Levels and the Related Factors of Purchasing Decision of the Mobile Phone Consumers
作者: 楊文壽
Wen-Show Yang
Jaw-Ming Chen
關鍵字: 行動電話;涉入程度;購買決策;mobile phone;involvement level;purchase decision making
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 隨著無線通訊、數據通訊以及網際網路的緊密結合,這個世界正快速地向行動訊息社會發展。國內電信自由化、國際化與通訊費率逐漸下降的趨勢,帶來市場開放及競爭,行動電話成為必需商品,創造了無線通訊市場無限的商機。行動電話快速的成長,廠商提供許多創新、多元化之附加價值服務,吸引客戶。近年來,通訊服務業已成為國內最主要的產業,消費者在日常生活中隨時都在購買服務,在購買之前涉入程度較高並會從事大量的資訊搜尋,而行銷人員所重視的正是消費者之資訊來源及影響購買決策之因素。 本研究主要目的是為探討行動電話手機消費者之涉入程度及其購買決策行為,針對不同涉入程度消費者的特徵與消費行為,加以描述與分析,以利業者研擬行銷策略之參考。因此,選用EKB消費者行為模式為觀念性架構,並以大台北地區行動電話手機消費者為研究對象,採簡單隨機抽樣方法,隨機抽樣764份問卷,取得406份有效樣本,透過因素分析、變異數分析、交叉列聯表、卡方檢定及雪費檢定等方法進行處理。而涉入的衡量方法是採用Kapferer & Laurent所提出的「消費者涉入剖面」,以重要性、娛樂性、表徵、誤購的風險、誤購的可能性五個構面來衡量,每一個構面均採Likert五點尺度量表來衡量。而涉入程度的分組方法則是採用四分位法,以涉入五個構面的加總為基礎,然後區分為高涉入(前25%)、中涉入(中間50%)、低涉入(後25%)三組。 研究結果顯示不同涉入程度的消費者,在人口統計變數之性別、教育程度及個人月所得上無顯著差異;而在年齡、職業、家庭狀況上有顯著差異。另外,在消費者購買決策行為之購買動機、資訊來源、評估準則變數上有顯著差異;在消費實態變數上之購買價格、更換行動電話手機原因無顯著差異外,其餘各變數皆有顯著差異。最後依據所分析不同涉入程度消費者的特徵結果,分別提出產品策略、價格策略、通路策略及促銷策略,以提供行動電話手機業者制定行銷策略之參考。
Following the close integration of wireless communication, data communication and internet, the world is rapidly developing into a mobile information society. Influenced by the tendency of liberalization and globalization of domestic telecommunications and continued telecommunications-rates decreases, the market becomes wide open and extremely competitive, and Mobile Phone becomes a necessity of daily life, creating a limitless business opportunities for the wireless telecommunications market. Due to the rapid growth of Mobile Phone, related companies provide many innovated and multi-media value-added services to attract customers. Recently, telecommunications service industry has become a major industry in the domestic market. Consumers are buying this kind of service all the time in their daily life. Before their purchases, consumers will have higher involvement levels and will do a lot of information search, so the marketer should pay attention to consumer s’ information sources and the factors that may affect their purchase decision making . The purpose of this study is to investigate the involvement levels and purchase decision making behaviors of the Mobile Phone consumers, to describe and analyze the consumers’ characteristics and behaviors of the different involvement levels , in order to help the related companies to choose their marketing strategy. For this purpose, the EKB model is chosen as a conceptual frame, and the Mobile Phone consumers of Taipei metropolitan area as research targets. The simple random sampling method is used to obtain 406 effective samples from 764 questionnaires sent out. The methods of factoring, variance, Schema’s test, Chi-square and Scheffe test statistics are used to analyze the sampled data. The method to measure consumer involvement is Kapferer &Laurent’s「The Consumer Involvement Profile」, the five dimensions to measure including : importance, pleasure, sign, the risk of purchase, risk probability. Each dimension uses Likert’s five point scales. A method of quartiles is also used for involvement segmentation. Then this study uses the total sum of five dimensions as a basis to discriminate three groups: high involvement (the former 25%), medium involvement (the middle 50%) and low involvement (the latter 25%). The study results show that the consumers with different involvement levels, are not significantly different on the demographics variables: gender, education and personal monthly income; but on age, occupation and family conditions, they are significantly different. On the purchase decision making behaviors variables, their purchase motivation, information sources and evaluation criteria are significantly different. On consumption reality variables, prices and their reasons for changing mobile phones are not significantly different; other variables are significantly different. Finally, according to the characteristics of consumers with different involvement levels, this study provides the strategies of product design, pricing, marketing channels and promotion, as a reference for the mobile phone companies to plan their future marketing strategies.