標題: 靜水壓擠製-抽拉連續製程設備之設計製造
Design and Manufacture of the Apparatus for Continuous Hydrostatic Extrusion-Drawing Process
作者: 林君昱
Jun_Yu Lin
Ching_Hau Hung
關鍵字: 靜水壓擠製;擠製-抽拉;高壓盛錠筒;線材擠製;hydrostatic extrusion;extrusion-drawing;high pressure container;wire extrusion
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 靜水壓擠製乃是將胚料置於高壓流體中,使其通過模具成形,胚料在受到高壓流體等向壓力作用下,具有高擠製比、低摩擦、成品表面精度良好等特性。本研究之目的即是設計並製造出一套完整之靜水壓擠製設備,並結合抽拉製程進行線材擠製-抽拉實驗。 在完成整個設備主體相關元件之後,實際以擠製比20.25之鋁材進行設備測試,證實本研究設備能確實進行靜水壓擠製功能,並且能承受9,000kgf/cm2以上之內壓。在線材之擠製實驗方面,成功擠出外徑為0.5mm之擠製成品,並對於線材擠製過程中的諸多現象亦進行了分析與探討,歸納整理出影響線材擠製過程的原因。同時亦針對鋁線及銅線進行擠製-抽拉實驗,得到靜水壓力與抽拉應力之和為定值的關係。希望能藉由這些研究能提供國內靜水壓擠製領域一些參考,而對日後相關領域有所裨益。
Hydrostatic extrusion is a process under which a high hydrostatic pressure is directly used to push the material through extrusion die. High extrusion ratio, low friction, and high quality for products are the advantages for this process. The purpose of this research is thus to design and construct a new apparatus for hydrostatic extrusion-drawing process. After the apparatus was designed and constructed completely, extrusion experiments on aluminum A6061 with extrusion ratio of 20.25 was first carried out to verify the capability of this hydrostatic extrusion device. Fine wires of 0.5mm diameter were also extruded with this apparatus using coiled wire billets. Furthermore, a series of wires hydrostatic extrusion-drawing experiments were conducted. By collecting and analyzing the results of these experiments, several characteristics of wire extrusion-drawing were obtained, which include the constant summation of corresponding hydrostatic pressure value and drawing stress. Finally, the research results are expected to promote the domestic utilization of hydrostatic forming processes.
Appears in Collections:Thesis