標題: 動態形體
作者: 沈國建
Kuo-Chien Shen
劉 育 東
Y. T. Liu
關鍵字: 動態形體;力量;場域;軌跡;表述式;非線性系統;DynaForm;force;field;traces;script;non-liner system
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 動態形體的操作介於對基地環境與事件、人為活動與空間感知的回應,並非是自由形體的取樣或動態軌跡切片的延伸,而是基於人為活動所產生的流動形體,藉由事件的連結傳達基地環境所隱含的脈絡,並將其關係轉化為力量、場域及軌跡,作為設計參數的依據。 過去空間形式一方面來自於人為活動俗成的機能定義,另一方面則因活動的介入而有所調整,動態形體跟隨時間軸的演化模糊形式與機能所存在階段式的關係,也打破傳統空間關係中一對一或階層邏輯制約,取而代之的是存在於電腦機置中的表述式(script),表述式引入系統中非線性函數,而其中運動方程式的參數值,關連到建築所存在事件間的活動強度,系統參數的調節,控制著形體的狀態,小的參數值對應於穩定的行為,當參數值越大,系統的行為也亦趨複雜,甚至導致混亂的狀態,參數的範圍維持動態形體的平衡。 動態形體除透過電腦機制的表述式(script)來描述空間拓樸關係及引入事件連結的強度作為非線性系統中的參數外,另一則是來自人流動於基地與空間中的痕跡,痕跡在此被敘述為一空間向量,它隱含力量與方向性,並非兩點間所形成的線性關係,向量引導不同形體間的流動、交錯與偏離,身體與形體間再同一時空中相互碰撞與修正。在設計過程中產生的形體是無法預知,形狀的演變過程跟隨整個設計的進行並同時作為解釋。動態形體企圖讓建築空間中事件與環境、皮層與量體、形體與空間感知更緊密的關聯著。
DynaForm is a response between environments and events of the site, human activities and spatial sensibility. Instead of being a simpling or extension of cuts from dynamic traces. DynaForm is a mobile form based on human activities, expressing a context implicit in the site through the linking of events. It transforms these relations into force, field, and traces, as the references for design. The forms of space were once commonly defined by functions of human activities, and, on the other hand, revised by the intervention of activities. The DynaForm blurs the step-by-step relations between forms and functions with the evolution of time, and breaks the one-to-one or hierachical constrains, which were replaced by the script in the computer device. The script introduces non-liner functions in which the parameters in the equations are related to the intensity of activities between events in architecture. The state of the form is controlled by the adjustment of parameters of the system. The low value correspond to stable behaviors, and the behaviors become more complicated when the value becomes higher. To the ultimate, it produces the chaos. Besides creating references in non-liner system through description of topological relations of space and introduction of linking intensity of events by the digital machanism, the DynaForm defines references from the traces of human flows in the site and space. The traces are not the liner relation of two points, but stated as a spatial vector that implies force and direction. The vector leads the flows, intersection and deflection of different forms. The bodies and the forms collide with and adopt to each other. It can not be predicted what forms would be generated in the design process, but the shapes evolve with the design progress and interprets it simultaneously. The DynaForm attempts to make more intensive connection in the architecture events and environment, skin and volumes, forms and spatial sensibility.