Title: 臨界系統之穩定化及非線性系統穩定區間之估測
Stabilization of Critical Systems and Estimated Domain of Attraction for Nonlinear Systems
Authors: 李慶鴻
Ching_Hong Lee
Dr. Der-Cherng Liaw
Keywords: 非線性系統, 李亞普諾夫函數, 臨界系統;Nonlinear system, Lyapunov Function, Critical system
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本篇論文之主要目的在探討臨界系統(Critical Systems)的穩定化與非線
性系統穩定區間(Domain of Attraction)之估測。首先考慮臨界系統之穩
近年來多位學者已利用``中央流型簡化法則" (Center Manifold ormula)
簡單零特徵根 或一對純虛數的特徵根之臨界系統。對於系統穩定區間之
之李亞普諾夫矩陣方程式(Lyapunov Matrix Equation)之建立,進而利用
Issues of the stabilization for critical system and the
estimation of domain of attraction for autonomous nonlinear
systems are presented in this thesis. The center manifold
reduction is applied to design the stabilizing control laws for
nonlinear critical systems, specifically, for the systems
whose linearization possesses a simple zero eigenvalue or a
pair of simple pure imaginary eigenvalues. The design involves
the application of center manifold reduction, normal form
transformation and stability criterion. In the topic of the
domain of attraction, we present theoretical analysis and
computational methods for estimating the attraction region of
locally stable (or stabilizable) nonlinear systems. This is
achieved by the construction of Lyapunov function for the
nonlinear systems. To treat the high order term of nonlinear
dynamics as perturbation of linear system, we propose methods
to estimate the attraction region. Numerical results are given
to demonstrate the applications. Furthermore, an algorithm is
also proposed to estimate the domain of attraction for the
critical systems whose linearized model possesses one simple
zero eigenvalue.
Appears in Collections:Thesis