Title: 『在混沌中織錦 』---以敘事方式舖陳的創作模式
『Weaving in the Chaos 』--- Creation in a narrative manner
Authors: 張涵怡
Han-Yi Chang
Tien-Chun Chang
Keywords: 混沌;創作;等高線;編織;敘事;chaos;creation;contour line;weave;to narrate
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 為了讓彼此溝通,並進而理解生存的世界,人類創造出各式各樣的記號,以輔助個體在生活上能更清楚的感知世界。其中,以解析地理起伏的等高線即是此一形式記號中的範例。
In order to facilitate human communication and further understand the world in which mankind lives, human beings have created various marks which enable them to become better acquainted with the perceptual world. For example, the contour line with the function of analyzing geographic undulation is the best instance of formalized mark.
Marks like the contour line, apart from being a way of demonstrating statistic numbers, are also artificial symbols generated due to the needs of human communication. The emergence of the contour line means that the phenomena and facts in the mother nature can be indicated by symbols for quick reading and understanding of human beings. If seen from a different angle, are all phenomena and visible facts coded and presented in the data-base of the mother nature through simple and commonly shared symbols?
Based on this deduction on the part of the mother nature, all artificial things are within a huge frame ( or termed as within “chaos” ) with everyone woven, just like nest-construction, feeding and propagation of ants observed by human beings. Weaving may be the behavior and thinking, and perhaps materials and spirits generated by each person. The finished product of weaving is the space and the environment we are in. In fact, all kinds of movements and behaviors are different marks, presenting an entire world with one miniature after another. It resembles a picture which can be explained and perceived by different viewers in various ways. Even with exactly the same physical image, different views and perceptions can turn a mono-theme into completely different objects, hence resulting in complicated and chaotic phenomena.
This creation attempts to make an entire plan for the script and exhibition in the capacity of a participant as well as a master. Picture-oriented techniques are applied to interpret a series of concepts along with inter-related works in order to integrate and explain the deductive logic of the creator in his/her contemplation over the main idea of creation. Such a closely inter-related connection is expected to offer viewers space and background for understanding and discussing the main theme in creation. The chief concept behind serves to discuss the ideas and concepts of the author concerning “Space and the world” based on the whole design of the exhibition and practicable creation in coordination with the application of “Chaos theory” and “Complexity science” popular in the circle of science since the 20th century. This is also used to expound the viewpoint of “Order and logic hidden in chaotic phenomena.”
Appears in Collections:Thesis