Title: 織造電器—自造工藝應用於電器產品的設計
Weaving Appliances -The Application of Weaving techniques and patterns on Appliances Products
Authors: 江婉甄
Jiang, Wan-Jhen
Lin, Ming-Huang
Keywords: 產品設計;金屬編織;Products Desgn;Metal Weaving
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 設計除斟酌功能與美學之間的平衡外,也可作為觸發思考的工具。因此本研究創作由對消費主義的反思開始,經過文獻探討及材料探索以後,將範圍鎖定在日趨嚴重的電子廢物問題,企圖以設計與美學改變人與電器的關係,將溫暖、人性注入冰冷的電子產品中。
When talking about design, aside from the balance between functionality and aesthetics, it also needs to serve as a tool to trigger thinking. This study begins by reflecting consumerism, through literature survey and material exploration it finally focuses on the growing problem of e-waste. It attempts to change the relationship between human and appliance by emphasizing design and aesthetics, and introduce warmth and human nature into the cold-heart electronic products.
For the purpose of seeking the overlap regions between electrical equipment and crafts, I select two simple objects, lamp and loud-speaker, to create three items: “My Crystal Light”, “Loose Light”, and “Internal Sound”.
Cooperating with electronic professional during the developing process, I try to understand the mode of operation in the internal circuit and function of each electronic components form the designer’s point of view for its unique creation. The records with texts and images, not only offer the followers relevant material, they enable readers to have a broader understanding and imagination into the internal of electrical equipment.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159217
Appears in Collections:Thesis