標題: 不同水體毒性試驗法方法於合成及實際廢水毒性上之比較
A Comparison of the Results of Several Freshwater Aquatic Toxicity Testing on Synthetic and Real Wastewaters
作者: 高煒展
Wei Chen Kao
Chung Yuan Chen
關鍵字: 藻類毒性試驗法;揮發性有機物;BOD瓶;混合毒性;毒性鑑定;standard algal toxicity test;volatile organic compound;BOD bottles;mixture toxicity;toxicity identification
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 傳統藻類毒性試驗法(批次式試驗)對於有機物,特別是揮發性有機物的毒性測試並不如其他標準方法(魚類,水蚤)敏感。本研究目的在於利用可完全密閉的BOD瓶當作藻類毒性試驗時的試驗容器,藉此改良之藻類毒性試驗法分別偵測兩種反應終點-細胞生長率及溶氧產生量,而與批次式藻類、魚類以及Microtox螢光菌等毒性試驗法相比較。結果顯示出對單一毒性物質而言,藻類BOD瓶試驗法大致上為較敏感之方法,並有效測試出揮發性有機物之毒性,改善了批次式藻類毒性試驗法在此方面之缺點,同樣結果亦表現在不同性質之自行配置廢水與實際工廠廢水的毒性試驗中。顯示本研究所採用之藻類BOD瓶試驗法為一有效之毒性篩選工具,並較標準藻類毒性試驗法為快速(48 hrs)。 另外,對於混合毒性效應研究中,發現若化合物具有陡峭之劑量反應曲線時,其混合後常出現毒性減弱之情形。而化合物具有中小斜率之劑量反應曲線斜率者,混合後則出現毒性加成或毒性相加。最後在毒性鑑定方面,運用連續式固相層析系統配合毒性鑑定方法可成功鑑定出毒性物質的種類,特別是對於有機毒物之鑑定上。
The purpose of this research is to compare the results of several freshwater aquatic toxicity tests on synthetic and real wastewater. Based on the findings, this research has discovered that the sensitivity of standard algal toxicity test (Batch tests) on organic compound, especially on volatile organic compound is less receptive than other toxicity test method, such as fish or water fleas toxicity test. Furthermore, this research reveals that by using BOD bottles on algal toxicity test can enhance the sensitivity on testing volatile organic compound in terms of the two end point parameter --- “cell growth” and “oxygen evolution”. Similarly, the same results were obtained on toxicity test of synthetic wastewater. Therefore, it reveals that BOD-Bottle test is a rational toxicity screen device and rapider than standard algal toxicity test. Another interesting finding is that the joint toxicity of complex mixtures, which with individual steep dose-response curve, always results to antagonism. Whereas, a toxicant with small or middle dose-response curve slope always lead to the interaction of synergism or simple addition in the mixtures. Besides, this study also discovers that the implementation of sequence solid-phase extraction systems on toxicity identification is capable to identify the type of toxicity, especially for organic toxicity identification.