Title: | 購併之後之整合過程管理-以一家台灣公司購併一家國際性公司之案例為研究 Managing the integration process for Merger & Acquisition-A Case Study of a Multinational Company merged into a Taiwanese Company |
Authors: | 江德楨 Teh-Chen Chiang 朱博湧 許祿寶 Po-Young Chu L.P.Hsu 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 購併;整合;雙品牌策略;組織結構;文化;M&A;Integration;Dual Brand Strategy;Structure;Culture |
Issue Date: | 2000 |
Abstract: | 從許多專家之購併案例研究結論發現,50%以上購併失敗歸因於未重視購併之後之整合過程管理. 近年來有許多臺灣企業為尋求快速達到國際化,也紛紛以購併為手段.而相關可資參考之經驗卻不多.本論文研究之目的即在探討臺灣企業購併國際性公司之案例經驗,提供購併之後整合管理的問題及有效之對策,並進一步提供個人參與過程之心得. 由本案例研究結果得知,自2000年中完成購併法律手續後至2001年第二季初,在全球通路佈局,雙品牌策略,及建置策略管委會決議主要整合運作上,已達到預期合併綜效.生產規模及市場佔有亦顯著成長,管理體系如資訊,運疇,人事制度亦趨同質化,文化整合如成本意識認同及企業家精神塑造,雖粗具雛型,但要深化內涵須更長期觀察.此購併雖属同業然而觀點迥異(本土觀對國際觀)整合,更進一步的全球人才結構調整以帶動文化融合再造.為整合後段之首務. 根據本案例特質之研究(國際同類購併),整合過程應分前後期兩階段管理,前期整合約半年屬組織性改造,透過外部環境及客戶需求迅速改變組織內部架構及應變措施,並以整合效益為優先,建置策略行政溝通管道及維持雙方作業獨立,使雙方之優缺互補以確保市場佔有不受購併影響,後期整合約一年半屬文化塑造,透過管理體系重建及互動學習,來帶動本土文化轉型為國際文化之進行.而整合過程中尤應透過立場分析設置具共識之效益指標,監督各項整合措施之進行.以確保預計購併目標之達成. In most Merger & Acquisition cases, integration process after merge becomes the decisive factor for merger success. Nowadays in Taiwan, M&A are means for obtaining quick globalization growth. The same idea is applicable in the case study, It is " a Taiwanese company becoming a global company by acquiring a division of a Dutch company. The acquisition provides attractive financial performances from the synergy within 9 months after the deal. The acquirer has successfully migrated the global channel and gained technology competence as complementary to her weakness. The synergy effect will reach the maximal extent in the coming years. This case study approach is based on the mode of "Strategy-Structure-Culture", to identify the critical success factors , to review positive and negative impacts of integration actions, and to find ways for faster organization adaptation to maximize synergy effect. The study concludes that : 1. Merger from small to big, will fail if without a well planned integration process 2. Customers' concern is the first priority to secure to assure customers of the business as usual 3. Take elephant eating approach for merger integration process. 4. Culture change requires hands on details. Both always keep a caring each others "attitude to face challenges together" |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/67937 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |