標題: 多國籍台灣傳統企業未來發展方向之探討- 以學習型組織的共同願景思考公司未來的方向 -
A Case Study of the Future Development for a Taiwanese Traditional Multi-National Company
作者: 褚式鈞
Shih-June Chu
Douglas Fu-Song Lin
關鍵字: 共同願景;核心問題
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 20世紀的最後20年發生了許多變化,首先是共產主義的式微與演變。中國大陸的改革開放,使得全球的經濟產生巨大的地層變動,PC及資訊業的發展雖然為台灣帶來了無數的商機,但是網際網路透過摩爾定律與梅卡夫定律所產生的擾亂定律卻帶來了『殺手應用』的破壞效應。除外,數位經濟所連帶產生的新管理方法及觀念,如全球運籌管理、知識管理以及寇斯的交易成本觀念透過網際網路所快速形成的新經濟環境,使公司永續經營的理念也受到挑戰。這一些巨變使得台灣的傳統行業不知所措,甚至無從應變。特別是那一些多國籍的外資企業,在寇斯的公司遞減率效應下,只有外包、縮編、合併及撤資一途。 本論文透過台灣的一個多國籍傳統行業的公司,在巨變中所採取的應變對策之實例,探討傳統行業所面臨的問題點,以及思考未來應走的方向。本案例從該公司經過10年變革失敗後,該公司之CEO對該公司的未來方向提出了三個選擇方案,該公司之COO利用彼得•聖吉的『第五項修練』之共同願景,構思出公司的共同願景及未來方向,然後再利用高德拉特的限制理論之現狀圖及未來圖的工具,找出現狀問題點的核心問題做為評價因子,然後再評估三個選擇方案是否能夠滿足公司的共同願景。 在結論中,本論文在三個選擇方案的個案限制中,並非完全滿足其中的一個方案,而透過James Collins的『基業常青』之確立企業核心經營理念、韓第的『覺醒的年代』之西格瑪曲線及勞資共同體,以及高德拉特在『絕不是靠運氣』一書中羅哥廠長對企業永續經營的想法,而表達出作者的看法。最後並借重彼得•杜拉克對經營假說的觀念,重新檢討核心問題的根源:該多國籍傳統行業的母公司經營假說的問題點,及台灣子公司十年變革失敗的關鍵因素,並加入蓋瑞•哈默爾及C.K.普哈拉所著:『競爭大未來』的想法,提出了成功的關鍵性因素。
There were many changes in the past twenty years before the end of the twentieth century, especially the wind change of Communism. The economic renovation in mainland China caused significant economic changes to the world. Although the development of PC & IT industrials can bring a lot of business opportunities for Taiwan, the Law of Disruption raised from the internet through Moore's Law and Metcalfe' Law also bring forth the Killer application, consequently the destructive effect happened. Besides, new management method and theory developed from digital economy, such as global logistic management, Knowledge management and the Coase' concept of Transaction Cost can establish a fast-changing new economy environment through Internet . Finally the concept of ‘continuous survival for enterprise' will be challenged. These huge changes cause Taiwan's traditional companies lose their direction, even cannot cope with the changes. Especially for some multinational companies, they have no choice to outsource their products, restructure, merge or close their business under the effect of Coase' Law of Diminishing Firms. This thesis discusses the business problems of a traditional multinational company established in Taiwan and finds out the future direction to overcome the environmental changes. This case study starts with the failure of a company that has implemented reengineering for past ten years. Now, three optional solutions for the company's future direction have been raised by the CEO, and the COO of the company using Peter M Senge's shared vision from ‘The Fifth Discipline’, to draw a shared vision and future direction for the company, subsequently he applied the tools of status quo map and future map from Eliyahu M Goldratt's Theory of Constraint to find out significant problems as assessment factors. Finally evaluate the three optional solutions whether they can satisfy the company's shared vision. In conclusion, neither one of these solutions can satisfy the constraint of the case study. The author can only express his opinion according to the concept of core business developed by James Collins' "Built to Last", Sigma Curve and employer-employee common benefit from Charles Handy and Roger's , concept of evergreen of enterprise from Eliyahu M Goldratt's book "It's not luck". Finally, he reevaluate the root causes of core problems (MNC HQ’s problems of management hypothesis and the sub-company's renovation failure for 10 years) through Peter Drucker's concept of management hypothesis and add in the thinking from "Competing for the Failure" which written by Gary Hamel and C.K Praharad to highlight the critical factors for success.