標題: 運用三維同步工程供應鏈架構探討半導體產業競爭優勢:以ADI公司為例
Competitive Advantage of Fast Clockspeed Company in Semiconductor Industry:3-DCE Framework and a Case Study
作者: 王仁法
Alpha J.F. Wang
Dr. Anthony F. Han
關鍵字: 脈動速度;三維同步工程供應鏈設計;產業雙螺旋曲線;產業結構;競爭優勢;自製或外包;策略外包;知識依賴與產能依賴;Clockspeed;3 Dimensional Concurrent Engineering(3-DCE);Double Helix;Supply Chain Design;Competitive Advantage;Make or Buy;Strategic outsourcing;Knowledge dependency & capacity dependency
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 脈動速度觀念是美國麻省理工學院范恩博士(Charles H. Fine)於1998年所提出,用以探討企業供應鏈設計的決策分析,並指出在短暫優勢的時代,企業必須注意供應鏈的抉擇與設計,方能掌握在產業的價值。本研究乃國內首次運用脈動速度及相關模式,探討供應鏈架構設計對競爭優勢的影響,並以高脈動速度的半導體產業為研究對象。本研究運用產業雙螺旋曲線分析半導體產業結構的演化與變動,俾掌握技術與市場變動趨勢,建立有效的供應鏈架構;另一方面,運用三維同步工程供應鏈架構,藉由個案公司ADI在90年代因應營運環境的變化,探討ADI有關核心能力抉擇與供應鏈架構決策,如何考量產品、製程及供應鏈三者的關聯,進行同步思考與規劃,更進一步探討ADI肆應半導體產業架構走向分工的趨勢,藉由外包與策略夥伴關係,提高企業靈活度與競爭優勢。 本研究印證產業脈動速度加快產業架構演變,促使產業出現演變的契機,對企業競爭優勢的維繫與擴張有重大策略意義。其他產業亦可引用半導體產業的典範,思考產業結構演變過程,個別企業如何規劃供應鏈架構 . 資訊時代個人電腦的興起、網際網路帶來的革命,乃至無線通訊的勃興,半導體技術與產品均扮演關鍵的推手角色。積體電路市場景氣循環迅速而難以預測,伴隨技術與應用的發展,產業呈現令人目不暇給的快速典範轉移現象,產業結構亦持續轉變,因此半導體是典型的高脈動速度產業。半導體產業對台灣尤有深刻意義,歷經二十年發展,台灣半導體產業卓然有成,更成為台灣最具國際競爭力的指標性產業。本研究呈現國際性半導體大廠ADI在供應鏈規劃與全球運籌的經驗,台灣半導體業者可引以為擬定相關策略之參考。另一方面,雙螺旋曲線提供觀察產業架構的動態演變,個別企業可藉以掌握產業在垂直整合與水平模組的循環演化,尋找產業整合與反整合的契機,定位企業在供應鏈的角色,創造最大附加價值。
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the strategic impact of supply chain strategy on competitive advantages. In this thesis, we adopt the frameworks developed by Charles Fine, who proposed the concept of “clockspeed”, Double Helix model, and the “3-Dimensional Concurrent Engineering (3-DCE) ” model. The “clockspeed” means the rate at which products and companies evolve. We use the Double Helix model to examine the evolution of semiconductor, especially the industry structure shift between horizontal integration and modular disintegration. Moreover, we use the 3-DCE model to conduct a case study on Analog Devices Inc. In the case study, we first examine the changing business environment of the company in the 90’s, and then analyze its core competence, its supply chain architecture design, and how its decisions to align with the shift of product and process. Furthermore, we also explore some ADI initiatives that have established strategic outsourcing partners to leverage values from the extended enterprise. This research proofs that clockspeed accelerates the evolution of industry structure, and then hasten shift of industry control power. It represents strategic implications on competitive advantage of company. The analysis of industry dynamics and lesson from semiconductor can be applied to other industries of different clockspeed. Semiconductor industry is critical to Taiwan’s economy. Sophisticated and complete industry structure has been developed over the past 20 years. Semiconductor is now one of the “flagship” industries in Taiwan, and represents a significant role to Taiwan economy. In order to compete in the global arena, Taiwan IC companies can benchmark ADI story on supply chain design and global logistics/coordinate system. With the understanding of dynamics of industry structure evolution, individual firm can grasp the inflection point of the industry shift, and hence to be able to well position itself on the chain to maximize its value.