DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorTe-Chuan Huangen_US
dc.contributor.authorJen-Hung Huangen_US
dc.description.abstract二十一世紀的企業都將是電子化的企業,面對競爭更為激烈的市場,企業必須不斷的去腐陳新,精益求精才能確保生存發展,在市場已經成熟,競爭者眾多的大環境下,誰能搶得先機,掌握第一時間,誰就會是真正的贏家。 就台灣的傳統書店而言,企業e化的程度非常有限,B2B電子商務的應用更是乏善可陳,因此本論文以B2B電子商務的基本應用—EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)為研究範圍,並選擇以個案書店為探討對象,首先從傳統書店現況談起,界定傳統書店的定義、特性,並就其大環境之有利點、不利點、目前走勢、未來三年走勢加以分析;第三章 B2B電子商務相關文獻探討,包括電子商務之定義、應用與效益、電子商務成功關鍵因素,及Amazon.com B2B電子商務探討等;第四章 個案書店研究,則由個案書店簡介、現況、現行B2B作業模式著手探討至個案書店導入EDI實務分析;第五章 個案書店導入EDI成果與問題探討,包括個案書店導入 EDI成果,導入過程問題分析探討、瓶頸因素診斷分析及其因應方案、解決對策與實行步驟等均予展開闡述;第六章 關鍵成功因素,則從企業外部、內部與其他相關部份等三個面向,共提出十二項關鍵成功因素;第七章結論與建議,對本論文做一總結,並就三個面向提出建議。 本論文期望能對傳統書店業者及其他零售業者在導入EDI應用時,做出貢獻而有具體的參考價值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe enterprise in 21st century is the e-enterprise. For meeting the requirements of a more competitive market, an enterprise has to make progress by abandoning the outdated elements and creating new ones for its survival and development. In the environment, a mature market with many competitors, the one who can stand an initial chance and also catch the right time will be the big winner. In respect of traditional bookstores in Taiwan, the development of e-enterprise is very limited, and the application of B2B e-commerce is even rare. Therefore, this thesis focuses on the basic application of B2B e-commerce – EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and chooses specific bookstores as the objects of research. Initially starting from the current situation of traditional bookstores, the thesis presents the identification of a traditional bookstore, specifies its characteristics, and analyzes all the advantages, disadvantages, current trend and the trend in the next 3 years in the big environment. In Chapter 3, the B2B e-commerce related literature is reviewed, including identification, application and efficiency of e-commerce, key points for the success of e-commerce, research of Amazon.com B2B e-commerce and etc. In Chapter 4, specific bookstores are researched, initially from introduction, current situation, and current B2B operational model to EDI practical analysis. Chapter 5 presents EDI results and discussions that are generated from specific bookstores. EDI result, question analysis and discussion, difficulty analysis and its remedy, resolution, practical steps are also stated precisely. Chapter 6 indicates the key factors to success. Twelve key factors to success are presented from such three fields as external part, internal part and other part of an enterprise. Conclusions and suggestions are presented in Chapter 7. We also provided some suggestions for the three fields of an enterprise. The thesis is expected to have substantial value for reference and make a contribution for traditional bookstores and other retailers that plan to apply EDI.en_US
dc.subjectsupply chainen_US
dc.title台灣傳統書店導入B2B EDI關鍵成功因素 -以展書堂書店為個案探討zh_TW
dc.titleThe Key Successful Factors of Transforming Traditional Bookstores in Taiwan into B2B EDI e-Business – A Case Study with Jan-Shu-Tano Bookstoreen_US