標題: 個案研究 - 無晶圓廠IC設計新創公司的五階架構策略
Case Study Five-Layer Structure Strategy of Fabless IC Design Start-up Ventures
作者: 陳耀堂
Yao-Tang Chen
Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 無晶圓廠積體電路設計公司;積體電路設計公司;經營架構;經營策略;新創公司;興業家;綠色矽島;Fabless IC Design House;IC design House;Operation Structure;Operation Strategy;Start-up Ventures;Entrepreneur;Green Silicon Island
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 近年來中國大陸大幅的改革開放,眾多而相對便宜的人力及土地資源,加上其龐大的潛在市場商機,因此吸引大量外資的引進以及其海外科技人才的回流,台商絡繹不絕的西進更已是不分傳統與高科技產業了。大陸的產業競爭力也就在這短短的幾年間迅速的提升,而直接威脅到台灣的產業發展與經濟成長。台灣產業的出路與最具發展潛力的商機是甚麼?是現在從政府到民間,大家最為殷切探討的課題。過去二十多年來,對IC設計公司,尤其是無晶圓廠的設計公司,台灣已經發展出一個十分獨特的環境,台灣有最具聚集優勢的半導體產業架構,從晶圓代工廠、封裝廠、到測試廠,只要二至四小時的車程,另外從IC設計產業本身的發展來看,台灣是美國之後的IC設計王國,不但IC設計公司數量居世界第二,去年的整體產值也是名列第二。由於人才與技術是IC 設計公司成功的重要條件,反而對土地、廠房、與水電的需求十分有限,加上相對於美國矽谷,台灣工程師的雇用成本僅有其三分之一,以近年來,台商將製造工廠移往大陸但是設計研發仍以台灣為主來看,至少未來十年,IC設計業將是臺灣最重要的產業之一,我們有機會發展出世界上最具競爭力的半導體社群,達到真正的綠色矽島。 然而甚麼是臺灣無晶圓廠IC設計新創公司的風險呢?是甚麼因素讓有的公司成績斐然,有的公司卻沒有起色?在本篇論文我們將透過對ADMtek—一家臺灣的無晶圓廠IC設計新創公司的個案研究,來探討這些問題。我們也要試著回答下列的問題。“甚麼是無晶圓廠IC設計新創公司成功的因素?”“是否有一些更可控制的要素使公司成功?”“如果IC設計公司對臺灣的經濟發展如此重要,我們是否可以發展出一些黃金律,提供新進者參考,提高其成功機率,幫助台灣下一世代的經濟發展?” 本文中將針對高科技新創公司,尤其無晶圓IC設計新創公司,介紹一個五階層的成功架構。經過這個成功架構的建立,興業者可以規劃並發展一個可以長久經營的公司;當這五階層的架構建立完成時,公司本身已是一個有機的組織,可以發覺競爭環境的威脅與危機,並尋求可能的解決方案,因為這五階層的架構最後將建立一個合作的社群。
For facing the economic competition between cross-strait, people in Taiwan are thinking “What’s market trends and competitions of the industry of which we can keep advantages from China in the next decade?” During the past two decades Taiwan has already developed a unique environment for the fabless IC design industry. It would be one of the most important industries that we can keep developing to be the most competitive community in the world and reach the true meaning of “Green Silicon-Island”. What’s the risk to start up a fabless IC design house in Taiwan? What caused some of the companies performing so brightly and some not reaching that? In this article, we will investigate this topic through a case study of a start-up fabless IC design house, i.e., ADMtek Incorporated in Taiwan. We also want to answer the questions as the following. “What’s the factors to make a fabless IC design house success?” “Can we have more controllable factors to make the company success?” “If IC design house is important to the economic development, we can come out some golden rules as the new comer’s reference to increase the successful rate to help economic development in next generation here?” In this article there is an introduction to a five-layer winning structure for hi-tech start-up ventures, especially for the fabless IC design houses. Through this winning structure built-up, the entrepreneurs can plan and develop a company, which is sustainable for the long running. When this structure is completed it already is a competitive organization. It can sense the threaten and crisis of the competitive environment and figure out a possible solution for it because this five-layer structure just builds a collaborating community.
Appears in Collections:Thesis