Title: 建構以電腦整合製造為基礎的資料倉儲系統
Deploying a Data Warehouse System for Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Authors: 黃丁偉
Ting-Wei Huang
Duen-Ren Liu
Keywords: 資料倉儲;電腦整合製造;線上分析處理;決策支援系統;data warehouse;CIM;Computer Integrated manufacturing;OLAP;Decision Support System;DSS
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 電腦整合製造系統除了支援生產自動化外,還包括企業內製造資訊的整合與管理。然而,由於電腦整合製造系統涵蓋各種異質資料來源,使得製造資訊的整合與分析無法順利的進行,以提供有效的決策支援。 本研究將分析電腦整合製造的系統架構與導入資料倉儲的步驟,包括資訊需求分析、資料來源與轉換分析、支援決策系統架構分析、用戶端存取結構分析及相關軟體與開發程式簡介。根據分析的結果,進一步建構一資料倉儲系統,整合全球各生產據點的電腦整合製造系統資料庫,並且經過擷取、篩選、彙整後,以一個整體與整合的形式儲存在企業資料倉儲系統內,透過線上分析處理(OLAP)的技術,建構決策支援系統(DSS),強化企業決策品質,提昇決策之品質與時效。
The Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) system not only supports automatic manufacturing, but also integrates enterprise’s manufacturing data. However, diverse data sources induce difficulty in decision support based on CIM. Consequently, data warehousing for CIM becomes a key factor to enable integrated analysis for effective decision support. This study mainly investigates data warehousing for CIM. The major work consists of requirement analysis, data source analysis, data transformation, and system analysis. Based on the analysis, data warehousing for CIM is deployed to integrate worldwide CIM databases located in different manufacture sites. CIM data are integrated and consolidated in the data warehouse. The deployed system provides effective decision support via on-line analytical processing (OLAP).
Appears in Collections:Thesis