標題: 運用資料倉儲建構客戶關係管理之探討-以半導體封裝業為例
Data warehousing for Customer Relationship Management in semiconductor industry
作者: 翁勝妙
Sheng-Miao Weng
Dr.Duen-Ren Liu
關鍵字: 客戶關係管理;線上分析處理;資料倉儲;資料切割;CRM;OLAP;Data Warehouse;Partition
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 晶圓代工、封裝、測試等特殊的水平分工、垂直整合的經營模式,不僅拉大了台灣和競爭對手之間的距離,也刺激了世界各地更多人投入專業設計的領域。在這種分工的運作模式之下,如何吸引國際上各大廠委外生產,除了製程技術上的領先之外,更必須引進資訊科技系統架構,來強化服務速度與品質。
Specializing in horizontal cooperation and vertical integration, Taiwan foundries、Packaging、and Testing industries not only distinguish themselves from competitors, but also encourage more people to invest in professional design fields worldwide. Under such cooperation model, except with leading manufacturing technology, the mission of attracting more international companies’ subcontracting orders relies on an introduction of IT system infrastructure to strengthen both the speed and quality of services.
Most of academic OLAP researches emphasize on applications of decision support, only few of them discussing OLAP applications of customer relationship management (CRM). This research uses data warehousing to construct CRM by utilizing data resource analysis, data transformed analysis, CRM system structure analysis, client access authorization level analysis, and other related software applications.
Furthermore, the research uses data segmentations and web-based user interface to control and manage data access authorization in order to build up a CRM system based on data warehousing and OLAP technology. The target is to provide customers complete information and strengthen their loyalties and satisfactions to the company.
Appears in Collections:Thesis