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dc.contributor.authorDai-Shin Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Tzong-Yau Chuen_US
dc.description.abstract推廣的策略及手段有許多種,在不同的環境、市場及產品下,根據需要,採用不同的推廣手段,以達到預期目標,有的情況,採用一種推廣手段即可,但大多數情況,要採用數種不同推廣手段予以組合,才能更容易,更精確達到預期目標。 本研究主要探討一個非營利的研究單位(A公司),對於本身既有的專業技術,如何才能順利並確實的將技術移轉給民間企業,將政府所投資人力及設備,轉化成知識及技術輸入各民間廠商,提昇國家整體產業能量。研究內容以該研究單位的一項專業技術為例子,剖析推廣過程中,移轉單位及被移轉單位供需雙方所應具備的條件,及對技術移轉成效的影響。希望藉由A公司的資訊整合系統移轉業界經驗,探討瞭解A公司所建立的資訊技術能量能否符合民間需求,及以何種推廣策略及流程引導方式較能使業界接受,將技術實際轉移、建立、運用於業界。在初期的效益上,能夠達到「行銷」及「推廣」的目的,協助業界突破技術瓶頸,;在長期的效益上,可以協助政府完成推動提昇民間產業技術及將高科技技術厚植於民間的目標。 研究結果顯示,推廣策略主要是吸引顧客接受其觀念、服務或產品,以增加利益;在技術移轉的過程中,若再增加彼此間共同的合作及互信機制,才能達到最完美的效果。移轉單位無怨無悔付出,提出最佳人力及產品,被移轉單位戰戰競競學習及實行並以最佳人員編組及謙虛心情予以承接,才能達到最佳移轉成效。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSubject to various environment, market and product condition, there are lots of Development strategy and metrology to be applied, depending on specific expectation, different Development means could be taken to hit the target, in few case, one metrology is effective, however, in most situation, taking combination of several approaches will be easier to make the specific result. This case study is focused on a research unit in a non-profit organization, to discuss what kind of Development means may be applied to smoothly transfer the technology to personal owned business based on its well developed professional technology in order to fully utilize government’s resource, inclusive manpower and facility, to transfer the knowledge and technology into public enterprises to integrate the country’s overall business capability. This case study will be based on a specific technology of this research unit as an example to analyze the essential conditions required between this research unit and target business and the effect oriented from the technology transferring during the Development process. It is expected to solidly transfer, build up and apply the technology to the field through the experience of A company's integrated MIS system transferred to the field, inclusive comprehending if A company's MIS technology capability can full fill the private business demand and the appropriate promotion strategy and process leading type accepted by the field. It is forecasted that well fit in the Marketing and Promotion targets and help the private business to break the technical bottleneck in the initial phase, and further help government to up grade the private business technology and implement the high technology into private business as the long-term efficiency. The research result shows the promotion strategy is mainly to attract the customers to accept the concept, service or product designed in order to increase the profit. To reach the best effect, the mutual cooperation and trust organize should be set during the technology transferring progress .The best result is based on the best manpower and product provided by the transferor and due diligent learning and practice, beside the best team built and humble attitude by the transferee.en_US
dc.subjectNon-profit organizationen_US
dc.subjectTechnology transferring progressen_US
dc.titleThe effect of the promotion strategies on the technology transfer of a research unit --An empirical study of a client information system integrationen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis