DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorMao-Ping Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Keh-Luh Wangen_US
dc.description.abstract資訊系統(IS)的導入是半導體產業電腦化過程中相當重要之階段,而委外(Outsourcing)在近年來被譽為是資訊系統導入最重要的趨勢之一,資訊委外的意義在於以資訊科技來改善本身的經營績效,進而提升競爭力。本研究主要是就「半導體產業」以「台灣晶圓代工廠」在資訊委外的決策模式上做一個案研究。半導體產業的資訊委外是基於專業分工的理念、資源的稀少性及策略焦點上的考量,資訊委外已成為資訊部門重要的管理課題。在資訊委外過程中,如何掌握最佳的資訊委外決策模式,使資訊系統的運用為企業帶來最大的利益,正是本研究之動機。 研究結果發現: 1.「Lacity模式一」及「Lacity模式二」為最佳之決策模式:研究結果發現「Lacity模式一」為最佳之決策模式,其中專案之購買焦點偏向是否為結果型,對於專案是否適合委外,具有關鍵性之地位,若經過不適宜委外專案調整之修正,則「Lacity模式二」屬於最佳之決策模式,其中若資訊系統對企業定位的貢獻屬商品化,資訊系統之建置不能為企業產生差異化優勢時,此類型的專案適合委外。 2. EDW、CIS、ERP及CRM四個專案適合委外:EDW、CIS、ERP及CRM四個專案符合了絕大部分模式的要求;而ATP、RCP及PDM三個專案並不適合委外,分別不符合三至四個委外模式,PDM專案的不適合,是因其購買焦點屬於結果型,故將其委外,ATP專案及RCP專案不適合委外,這也與訪談所得ATP專案及RCP專案的決策錯誤大致相符。 3.重要的資訊委外決策變數:我們亦歸納出一些重要的資訊委外決策變數 ,資訊委外偏向結果型的購買焦點、資訊系統對企業定位的貢獻屬商品化、內部人力資源程度偏低時、和其他競爭者相對技術程度較弱者、現在對資訊的依賴程度較低者、資訊研發與維持之重要性程度較低者及技術掌握程度高且貢獻屬商品化者的專案較適合委外。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe introduction of information system (IS) to an enterprise is a very important digitalizing stage in the semiconductor industries. In these years, the outsourcing is one of the major trends introducing IS. The IS outsourcing is to leverage the information technology (IT) to improve the performance as well enhancement of competence. The study is to explore the case in best decision model of IT outsourcing and take an example of Taiwan wafer foundries. The IT outsourcing has become a very important management issue that is subject to the concept of specialization, insufficient resources and strategic focuses. In the process of IT outsourcing, the motivation of the study is to search how to select the best decision model, bringing the maximum profit for enterprise by using IT. The major conclusions are: 1.「Lacity modelⅠ」and「Lacity modelⅡ」are the best decision models: The result of this research indicates「Lacity modelⅠ」 is the best decision model. The project of purchasing focus is resulting style the key to decide the project outsourcing or not. If we revise the unfit outsourcing projects,「Lacity modelⅡ」is the best decision model. The contribution of IT activity to business positioning is as commodity which is the key point for projects fit for an outsourcing. 2. EDW, CIS, ERP, and CRM projects fit outsourcing: EDW, CIS, ERP, and CRM projects fit almost all models' requests. And ATP, RCP, and PDM projects unfit outsourcing. The three projects are unfit three or four models' requests. PDM project is unfit outsourcing because it’s purchasing focus is result style. So it fits outsourcing. ATP and RCP projects are unfit outsourcing and they are decision mistakes as we know from interview. 3. Important decision variables for IT outsourcing: We also conclude some important decision variables for IT outsourcing. The project which the purchasing focus is the result style, the contribution of IT activities to business positioning is commodity, the level of internalization of human resource is low, competitors' process technology positions is better, the degree of current dependence on information is low, the degree of important of sustained, innovative information resource development is low, and the degree of technology control is high fits outsourcing.en_US
dc.subjectDecision Models for Information Technology Outsourcingen_US
dc.subjectInformation Systemen_US
dc.subjectSemiconductor Industryen_US
dc.subjectWafer Foundryen_US
dc.subjectinformation technologyen_US
dc.titleDecision Models for Information Technology Outsourcing For the Semiconductor Industry–Taking a Taiwan's Wafer Foundry Company as an Exampleen_US


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