Title: 限制理論在高科技產業留才策略之應用
Study of Retention Strategy in Hi-tech Industry Using Theory of Constraints
Authors: 胡琇瑜
Keywords: 限制理論;高科技產業;需求層次;留才策略;Theory of Constraints;TOC;Hi-tech Industry;Need Hierarchy;Retention Strategy
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 由於經濟體質的轉變,全球生產主力逐漸升級為知識與創意密集的高科技產業。在高度人力需求下,擁有資訊科技專長的知識工作者成為職場新貴,科技人才乃是高科技產業生存與成長的關鍵,是以留住優秀人才成為高科技產業人力資源管理上重要的一環。 透過產業特性、從業者特質、離職因素、與需求滿足等文獻探討,本研究認為高科技人員喜歡具創造性、高度涉入但少拘束的工作環境,著重技術面的成長、尋求直接主管的支持。本研究應用限制理論的思考程序,依據改變什麼、改變成什麼、如何改變三大步驟,由不良效應分析出核心問題,逐步建構現況樹、撥雲見日圖、未來狀況樹、必要條件樹、轉換樹,以發展高科技產業之留才策略。 結果顯示現階段高科技產業留才策略之核心問題在於管理目標之衝突,並因此衍生7項不良效應。故本研究建議高科技產業管理者應將管理重點由薪資福利、教育訓練、升遷管道等物質需求的滿足,轉為招選、任用、培育、激勵等人員管理功能的提升,並配合存在、關係、成長三大基本需求,執行符合正確的招募甄選、明確的工作分派、良好的培育計畫、適當的激勵制度等四大策略目標的行動方案,以期達成留才目的。
The entire enterprise constitution had transformed from labor-intense to knowledge, creativity-intense caused by the change of the global economic system. Under the urgent need of information-technology specialists, those knowledge-workers had become the hottest employees on the employment market. To have those employees is the key-to-success for every Hi-Tech industry. Therefore, how to keep those brilliant key persons is the most important piece of human resources management (HRM) in Hi-Tech industries. Through the analysis of industrial characteristics, employee personalities, turnover factors and needs satisfactions, the results show that Hi-Tech industrial employees prefer not only a creative, high involved and less constrictive working environment, but also the growth of technical skills and supports from the directors. This research applies the TOC thinking process and takes the three steps (What to change, To what to change to, and How to cause the change) to analyze the core problem from UDEs, and constructing the CRT, evaporating cloud, FRT, PRT and TT to develop the retention strategies. The conclusion shows that the core problem of Hi-Tech industry retention strategies is the conflicts between management objects, which also cause seven UDEs. This research recommends that the points of HRM should change from satisfaction of material needs including salary, welfare, training, and promotion to the enhancement of HRM functions including recruiting, positioning, developing and inspiring. Accommodate with three basic needs of existence, relatedness and growth, the expectation of retention can be achieved by implementing actions from four tragic objects including correct recruitment, specific job assignment, fine education plans and proper inspiration rules.
Appears in Collections:Thesis