Title: 高科技產業研發實驗室之產能效益改善研究―福特8D與限制理論之應用
The capacity efficiency improvement research of the high technology industry ―A Problem Solving Method combined Ford 8D with TOC was applied
Authors: 簡榮賢
roson chien
Keywords: 福特8D;限制理論;Ford 8D;Theory of Constraints(TOC)
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 福特8D 是由福特公司於西元1977年所發展出來的一團隊導向問題解決原則(Team –Oriented Problem Solving Discipline)。福特8D團隊導向問題解決法,近年來廣為極度要求改善時效性的高科技產業引用,因為其以進度控管、團隊導向著稱,但其欠缺系統思考與決策溝通之手法。然而,由E.M.Goldratt 博士在1986年所創立之限制理論,其著重系統限制之管理與突破。特別在系統政策限制上Goldratt 博士更為推導一思考邏輯步驟(Thinking Process)解決問題方法,於1992發展出一套有效圖形化、邏輯化的方法,以提供一易學易懂之有之政策限制問題解決法。 本研究將結合以進度控管、組織團隊著稱之福特8D與以系統限制導向、運用思考邏輯架構的限制理論(TOC)來改善此半導體內之研發實驗產能效益,透過本專案研究之過程及心得,對福特8D與TOC方法實施的狀況加以檢討,做為後續公司或國內半導體公司推動研發實驗室產能效益改善之參考。
The Ford 8 D problem solution- (Team –Oriented Problem Solving Discipline )was developed by Ford company in 1977. Even if Ford 8D was popularly applied to enterprise it is lack of system oriented thinking & strategy communication methods. However , The Theory of Constraints management solution developed by Dr. Goldratt in 1986 is master in break through the system constraint included physical & policy constrain .This paper presents a case study that applying the integrated TOC & Ford 8D problem solving method to an RD lab.capacity efficiency improvement project. The details of the implementation are presented in this paper. Our learning experiences of how to apply the TOC & Ford 8Dproblem solving is also addressed in the paper. This will provide a reference for the case company and other people who are interesting to apply TOC or Ford 8D solution to their organization.
Appears in Collections:Thesis