Title: 晶圓製造廠可能延遲批量之派工法則
Dispatching Rules for Possibly Delayed Lots In an IC Foundry
Authors: 曾文揚
Wen-Yang Tseng
Muh-Cherng Wu
Keywords: 例外管理;批量管制時程;派工;exception management;lot control schedule;dispatching
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 現今半導體業為因應競爭經烈的環境,除提高產能外,亦須滿足顧客之交期需求。然而由於半導體製程複雜且製造現場有許多不確定的突發事件發生,導致生產週期時間的不易控制,甚至延遲交貨的情況。因此,為克服延遲交貨的問題,單利用半導體現場控制的派工法則(FIFO,CR)不足以解決此問題,所以本文透過例外管理的應用,針對可能發生延遲的批量,改變其加工優序,以期降低延遲批量數。
In order to improve the on-time delivery of IC foundries, this research develops a dynamic dispatching rule that gives higher priority to thee possibly delayed lots. The basic idea is by giving an alarm whenever the progress of a manufacturing wafer lot is behind its lot control schedule. The lot control schedule defines the target progress of each operation of the lot. Based on the lot information provided by the lot control schedule system, we adjust the dispatching priority of wafer lot. Simulation results show that the proposed dynamic dispatching rule can effectively reduce the number of delay lots if the lot control schedule is appropriately defined.
Appears in Collections:Thesis