標題: 建築物附設停車空間開放供公眾使用可行條件之研究
Feasible Conditions for Public Use of Attached Parking Spaces In Building
作者: 蔡秉錡
Ping-Chi Tsai
Tai-Sheng Hwang
關鍵字: 建築物附設停車空間;共享停車;public use of attached parking spaces in building;shared parking
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 為增加停車供給,卻免除興建大型停車場的種種窒礙難行之處,本研究引進「共享停車」的觀念,以開放離峰時之建築物附設停車空間作為增加停車供給的手段。而為求了解建築物附設停車空間應在哪些相關條件範圍內才有開放的可能性,本研究分別就法規面、推動面以及財務面三個不同的觀點,來探討開放可行與否。 本研究以台北市、新竹市、中壢市三個城市的建築物附設停車場及公寓大廈為調查對象,分別就其建築物基本資料、停車場使用狀況、開放意願等項目進行抽樣調查。同時對停車場經營業者進行訪談,以了解建築物附設停車空間開放經營收費停車場所需要之成本與可能之收益。 本研究調查結果彙整後發現,建築物附設停車空間開放供公眾使用:(1)就法規面而言,由於公寓大廈管理條例對法定停車空間兼作法定防空避難空間作了較嚴格的限制,如無法放寬規定,則釋出停車位之數量即較為有限;(2)就推動面而言,主要問題在於整合全體住戶共識較難及居民對安全較有疑慮。若擬提供開放的誘因,則對住戶之財務回饋及補助裝設安全設施設備較為有效;(3)就財務面而言,由於商辦型建築物附設停車空間尖離峰型態較為明顯,故開放經營最為可能。而整體上,站在財物回收的觀點來說,開放並不相當困難,通常如有100個停車位,收費在50元/小時以上仍有85%使用率之停車場,皆有開放的潛力。
For increasing parking supply without expensive construction works, this study introduces the concept of “shared parking”. This idea is used for the public use of attached parking spaces in building and focuses the study work on the aspects of (1) ordinances,(2) promotion approaches,(3) financial condition. Three cities, Taipei, Hsin-Chu, and Chung-Li were sampled to collect the data for finding out the feasible conditions of the public use of attached parking spaces in building. We design a questionnaire to interview the characteristics of the building usage, the condition of parking, and the intention of opening. Moreover, the cost data were collected by visiting some operators of parking lots. The results of this study shows,(1) for the aspect of ordinances, the regulation of the required emergency spaces used for parking should be released. Otherwise, the spaces released for public use will be limited.(2) For the promotion approaches, the two main problems of public use are (a) hard to get the consensus among the inhabitants and (b) inhabitants’ anxiety on security. If there were some subsidies and installed some safeguard instruments for them, the intention of opening will be higher. (3) For the financial condition, the threshold of opening isn’t very high. A parking lot with a scale of 100 spaces, charging with 50 NT$/hr., and still having 85% usage, it has the condition for opening to public use in finance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis