標題: 一種都市顯像術
a city angiography
作者: 李欣達
Lee Shin-Da
Yu-Tung, Liu
Leslie Shih
關鍵字: 顯像術;移動能力;地誌學;全球定位系統;都市顯示版;angiography;mobility;cartography;GPS;City Display Board
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 一種都市顯像術a urban angiography—移動中的空間符碼 數位時代的電腦媒體融入建築創作思考過程中,因而解放了長久以來人類建築創作的侷限,建築(construction)已經進入了一個新的領域,不論是數位建築,或建築數位化(digitalize)。那都市呢(URBAN)? 我用了一種現代的醫學技術來討論我對都市的新概念,填充物(filler)將會帶我們到達一個都市數位化的領域。 Angiography to Reconstruct Blood Vessels ◎Replenisher (載具)vehicle — 一種移動的權利符號 ◎Syringe 製圖學與地誌學上(cartography)的都市入口 ◎Scanner GPS(global positioning system) 移動能力mobility—社會權力 移動能力是參與社會過程的條件,也是社會權力的表現。而速度則是移動能力(mobility)的最重要屬性。 分配能力distributity—資訊流動 數位時代來臨,分散化的各種資訊流動、資金流動、貨物流動、慾望流動,依照組織型構成表面零散的結構。 都市顯示版 1.華江橋旁的兩排房子預先設定為停車的空間 2.根據我設計的PROGRAM,排列停車空間的分布方式。 3.PROGRAM是把所有都市的功能,簡化成可以符合基地條件的項目。如,工廠、住宅、量販店、速食店、博物館、賞鳥台。 4.然後停車空間延伸出去,把所有的都市功能縮小放在基地上面。 5.每一天,在不同的時間裡面,這個停車場所顯現的圖像,就會是整個城市目前的活動狀態。而在橋下空間形成一場秀。 6.人們在PROGRAM轉換之間也將進入橋下的空間,參予其中。 7.這就是一個將都市功能數位化的過程。他真實的反應的都市的樣貌,而非用數位的方式,如LCD、數字、表格VR或AR。
An urban angiography (space particle in motion) In the modern digital world, computer-based multimedia becomes an important tool in the creation of the architecture. The human being’s ideas of architecture creation is no longer restrained. Construction has entered a brand new phase, whether it is digital construction or construction digitalized. So how about urban ? I have chosen a modern medical technology to explain my new concept of urban. Filler will bring us to a world of urban digitalization. Angiography to Reconstruct Blood Vessels ◎ Replenisher Vehicle – A moving code for right ◎ Syringe The urban entrance of cartography ◎ Scanner GPS (global positioning system) Mobility – social power Mobility is the requirement when participating in the social progress, it is also a signature of the social power. And speed is the utmost important element of mobility. Distributity – Information Flow In the light of the arrival of the digital era, various types of distributed flow in terms of information, capital, goods and desires form a lose surface structure according to the constriction type. City Display Board 1. I’ve pre-assigned the 2 rows of houses next to Huwa-Jian Bridge as the parking space. 2. According to my program, I generate the layout of the parking space 3. The purpose of the program is to simplify all the functions of a city and transform them into the elements suitable for the site. For example, factories, houses, giant stores, fast food restaurants, museums, bird-observation platform, etc. 4. Then I extend the parking space. Shrink all the city functions and place them on the site. 5. The pictures shown on this parking space at different times of the day represent the current activity status of the entire city. A show is put on to the stage under the bridge space. 6. Human beings also enter into the space underneath the bridge during the program transformation and participant the changes. 7. This is the process which digitalizes the city function. It reflects the city appearance in reality but not in digital method, such as LCD, numbers, charts VR or AR.
Appears in Collections:Thesis