標題: 探討影響供應鏈電子化合作關係持續性之因素:以台灣汽機車產業為例
Identify Factors Affecting Continuity of Cooperative Relationships of Electronic Supply Chain: Case of Taiwanese Vehicle Industry
作者: 葉英斌
Ying-Pin Yeh
William Jen
關鍵字: 合作關係持續性;關係行銷;資源依賴;風險認知;Continuity of cooperative relationships;Relationship marketing;Resource dependence;Risk perception
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 由於網際網路及電子商務之快速發展,汽機車廠商已充分應用電子化技術與工具來整合供應鏈。為了不斷改善供應鏈中產品設計、製造與運輸的效率,汽機車產業供應商與整車廠(製造商)之間合作關係的持續為一重要課題。一般而言,若供應鏈的各供應商能夠信任與整車廠之長期合作關係,彼此分享更精確的資訊,則供應鏈成員可減少許多不必要的作業,降低交易成本,以及減少長鞭效應的影響。然而欲為供應鏈創造更高的附加價值,實不能忽視眾多供應商對與整車廠長期合作關係的態度與意見。 本研究回顧相關文獻,整合關係行銷、資源依賴與風險認知三個研究途徑,從供應商的觀點來分析其願意應用電子化工具或技術來與整車廠持續合作之攸關變數,並發展相關研究命題與假設。在驗證工作上,本研究針對各研究變數發展量表問卷,並選擇台灣汽車與機車產業原物料與零組件供應商851家為實證對象,採郵寄與電子方式進行問卷調查,有效回收問卷為241份。然後應用結構方程模式(structural equation modeling, SEM)模式進行假設檢定,結果全部假設均得到印證。 本研究主要的貢獻為整合關係行銷、資源和環境的不確定性之構念,形成一良好的模式以預測供應商對於電子商務之接受度與合作關係持續性。供應鏈電子化合作關係持續性的課題牽涉到多研究途徑、多變數問題,若僅以關係行銷、資源依賴、與風險認知途徑擇一來加以探討,則會有所缺失。例如若僅以關係行銷途徑來探討,忽略資源依賴與風險認知,則雖了解供應商願意配合整車廠之系統,但無法得知當此系統有需要投入或調整資源時供應商其配合之態度,且其是否會因對此系統之風險認知不同,而有不同的做法。另外,在關係行銷研究途徑方面,若僅以溝通變數直接探討電子化合作關係之持續性,而不透過中介變數,將無法較為完整地了解其影響因素與因果關係。由於透過溝通後,仍需取得供應商之信任,進而得到其關係承諾,如此才能確保其願意持續合作。本研究之實証結果與企業對企業之電子商務接受模式之相關研究也頗為一致。由於本研究推演模式之驗證結果之高度解釋力,有助於解釋或預測供應商對於供應鏈電子化合作關係的相關行為。
Given today’s rapid development of the Internet and e-commerce, motor manufacturers are applying Internet technology and tools to integrate their supply chain. To improve product design, manufacturing and transportation, the continuity of a cooperative supply chain relationship among suppliers and manufacturers is critical. Generally speaking, if suppliers can trust the firms they supply, they’ll share precise information resulting in a reduction of unnecessary operations for all supply chain members. Transaction costs can then be reduced, and the bullish effect will decrease. Supplier attitudes and solid long-term supplier-manufacturer relationships are important in adding value to the supply chain. After reviewing the related literature, this study has developed a research framework that integrates the three perspectives of resource dependence, risk perception, and relationship marketing to identify the factors affecting the relationship continuity of a cooperative electronic supply chain. After constructing a structural equation model, empirical testing on 851 raw material and spare parts suppliers for the Taiwanese motor industry was conducted. All path coefficients in the proposed model were statistically significant, and were as hypothesized. The primary contribution of this research is the integration of constructs associated with resources and environmental uncertainty, with relationship marketing constructs, into a coherent model that jointly predicts supplier acceptance and relationships continuity of e-commerce. The continuity of cooperative electronic supply chain relationship involves multi-faceted approaches and multivariate problems. Selecting just one of the three approaches of relationship marketing, resource dependence and risk perception for study resulted in some deficiencies. For instance, only the approach of relationship marketing is explored, resource dependence and risk perception are neglected. Although an understanding of supplier willingness to cooperate and support the system of the vehicle company is gained, it is impossible to know whether the suppliers will cooperate when the system requires resource investment and adjustment, or whether they will perceive system risk differently, possibly leading to a disparate course of action. Additionally, if the continuity of cooperative electronic relationship is explored directly through communication rather than mediating variables, then it is impossible to gain a comprehensive understanding of the influences and causal model in the approach of relationship marketing. Following communication, the vehicle company still must win the trust and ultimately commitment of suppliers before it can be assured of supplier willingness to engage in continuous cooperation. This empirical study provides consistent support for the B2B e-commerce acceptance model. Given the high explanatory power of the resulting model, it is likely to serve as the basic model for enhanced understanding and predicting suppliers’ behavior of cooperative electronic relationships.
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