Title: | 台灣多功能事務機廠商的競爭策略分析 An Analysis of the Competitive Strategies of Multi-Function Product Companies in Taiwan |
Authors: | 姜水傳 Shui-Chuan Chiang 虞孝成 Hsiao-cheng Yu 科技管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 多功能事務機;競爭策略;核心能力;Multi-Function Product (MFP);competitive strategy;core competence |
Issue Date: | 2001 |
Abstract: | 台灣為PC及個人電腦週邊產品全球主要生產國,掃描器和印表機為個人電腦最重要的輸入輸出產品。台灣在掃描器產量佔全球9成以上,在印表機產業代工也佔重要地位,而隨著掃描器和印表機產業步入成熟期,產品在削價競爭之下,導致各家獲利率都降低。因此,掃描器與印表機結合的多功能事務機(MFP),是台灣業者在掃描器與印表機產品外再創佳績的希望。 本研究屬於探索性研究,藉由次級資料及深度訪談資料,從國家競爭力及產業結構角度出發,以Porter 鑽石模型及SWOT分析,以獲得我國產業的核心競爭能力,再依核心競爭能力做我國MFP廠商的競爭分析,企圖尋找出各個廠商在這個產業合適的競爭策略。 經過研究分析獲得以下的結論:(1)拜噴墨印表機快速降價之賜,噴墨式多功能事務機 ( Printer based MFP ) 成長率最大。(2)美日大廠因開發早,掌握印表機關鍵專利技術,是主要多功能事務機的領導者。(3)由於MFP產品生命週期已步入成長期階段,價格競爭趨於激烈,美日大廠被迫逐漸釋出委外代工訂單。(4)台灣廠商在PC週邊產業培養快速設計與彈性的實力,配合在大陸低價量產能力,已經成為美日大廠主要ODM代工對象。(5)台灣廠商技術涵蓋面較廣,應發揮各家廠商核心能力,切入不同市場區隔,開發不同的MFP機種。 Taiwan used to be the largest manufacturing base for scanners in the world. As competition gets high and profit margin becomes low, Taiwan scanner vendors have to move the manufacturing function to China, and in the mean time, began pursuing the market of multi-function office machine products (MFPs). This thesis investigates the market segmentation and characteristics of MFPs, the positioning of leading MFP vendors, as well as the strategic alliances and technology licensing relationships between domestic OEM/ODM vendors and the key technology and brand owners. Based on the capital and technology requirements of MFPs in different market segments, this research recommends competitive MFP development strategies for domestic vendors according to their respective strengths. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/68365 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |