Title: 我國發展彩色光電成像列印產業之競爭優勢研究
A Study On the Competitive Advantages of Taiwan's Color Electro-photographic Printer Industry
Authors: 郭春美
Chung-Mei Kuo
Sue-Fung Wang
Keywords: 彩色光電列印產業;雷射印表機;多功能事務機;競爭優勢;策略聯盟;Color EPG Printer Industry;Laser Printer;Multi-function Peripheral (MFP);Competitive Advantages;Strategic Alliances
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 邁入二十一世紀後PC時代,PC產業已進入成熟期,亦即微利時代的來臨,大家正引頸期盼另一個千億美金產值的新產業之誕生,我國為全球資訊產品第三大生產國,對於此種體驗尤其深刻。而彩色光電成像列印產業是資金、技術及人才高度密集的產業,現今相關的技術專利、產品與市場完全由日、美少數廠商所掌握;此外,其獨特的利潤模式,即一般所謂的〝刮鬍刀與刀片〞公式,廠商的利潤80%以上來自於商品出售後的消耗品及替換零組件;根據IDC的預測,整個產業約有美金1100億的規模,如此高產值高利潤的產業,正是台灣廠商值得搶攻切入的商機。
The Color Electro-photographic (EPG) Printer Industry is an oligopoly due to its high entry barrier - most IP and patents are owned by famous companies such as HP, Canon, Epson, etc. At present, only a few Taiwanese companies are involved in this industry, which in Taiwan is still in its infancy.
Based on case study and expert interviews, this research paper applies Professor Michael E. Porter’s “Diamond model”, SWOT analysis, and Professor Hill & Jones’s “Resources and Abilities model” to analyze the competitive advantage of Taiwan’s color EPG printer industry and compares Taiwan with the US, Japan, Korea and Mainland China. Finally, it identifies the key success factors of Taiwan’s color EPG printer industry, and according to these factors, provides suggestions for businesses, the government and prospective research fellows for future direction.
The findings of this study are as follows:
1.Taiwan’s OEM/ODM industry is at a critical point where it must change its business model away from increasing bargaining power by scuttling profit margin.
2.Taiwan is very weak in basic EPG research and development and seriously lacks specialized EPG manpower.
3.The Color EPG printer industry connects huge industries, such as Scanner, Digital Camera, S/W, Driver, Flash/DRAM, Led Array, EMS, Connecter, Power Supply, Toner, IC, etc.; it can create 3 to 3.5 times industrial value.
4.The multifunction peripheral (Printer/Scanner/Copier/Fax) is becoming a trend and offers the best choice for scanner manufacturers to change or add to their product line.
Concluding from all of the above, the key success factors for Taiwan’s Color EPG Printer companies should be:
1.Clarify company position in the industry and set up good relationships (strategic alliances) with competitors, suppliers and customers.
2.Product innovation and shortening of time-to-market for new, low-priced, high-quality products.
3.Maintain key components and core technology.
4.Human resources are key for businesses; cooperate with schools and the government more closely to train a talent pool.
Appears in Collections:Thesis