標題: 一個變異的 AES 密碼方法
A Variant of AES Cryptography
作者: 王信友
Shin-Yo Wang
Yi-Shiung Yeh
關鍵字: AES;AES
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 在本篇論文中,我們利用RC6的key generation的方式產生10 rounds所需要的11 subkey S[0],S[1],……S[10],其中每個subkey 的長度為4 words, 第一次先用掉一把subkey作EXOR明文的動作,之後每個rounds各用掉一把subkey. 本加密方法亦採用了Rijndael的block matrix的特性,每個round的組成為shift-matrix, Affine function, add subkey等,簡化了許多Rijndael繁雜的步驟,提供了充分的安全特性
In the thesis, we use RC6 Key generation method to generation 10 rounds 11 subkey S[0],S[1],……S[10], each subkey’s length is 4 words. At first we use one subkey to EXOR the plaintext and then each round take one subkey. This cryptography also use Rijndael block matrix property. Each rounds is consist of shift-matrix, Affine function, add subkey, we simplify the Rijndael complex steps, and provide security property.