Title: 一種網際網路上的延遲付款機制-電子支票
A Delayed Payment Mechanism on the Internet -Electronic Check
Authors: 邱雅文
Dr. Jing-Jang Hwang
Keywords: 電子商務;延遲付款機制;電子支票;FSML;XML;On-line Payment;e-Check;FSML;XML
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 近年來商業活動的許多議題圍繞在因為網際網路的出現而發展的電子商務上,電子商務影響交易型態轉變,不僅為大眾的生活帶來許多便利,更幫助企業流程的改善與效率提昇。但是有關應用於電子商務上的付款方式,仍多沿用既有的機制,如匯款、轉帳、貨到付款等,至今仍鮮少有利用網際網路的便利帶來支付方式的改進。 本論文為研究電子商務金流解決方案,提出一套適用於網際網路上的付款機制-電子支票。研究中介紹美國正在發展中的電子支票設計與應用,分析其所使用的金融服務標記語言FSML,同時瞭解目前廣泛應用的可擴展性標示語言XML、及XML的簽章方式,並考量台灣支票的使用情況與票據相關規定。藉此引導,目的在利用XML設計中文化電子支票標籤,更進一步參考本論文指導教授(黃景彰 博士)針對電子支票提出的流通與集保之概念,設計三種應用流程-流通式電子支票、集保式電子支票、郵務流通式電子支票。論文最後並展示針對集保式電子支票所設計的付款方雛形系統。 電子支票是傳統紙張支票的電子化,設計前提在於不需完全改變人民使用習慣與金融基礎體制,因此非新的付款方式而為既有延遲付款機制變革。電子支票立基於電子化文件可以取代紙本文件、及電子簽章可以取代手寫簽章的概念,配合網際網路的應用,將可帶來資訊承載能力大增、彈性增加、無時間與空間的限制、消弭支票運作流程中傳送的時間與成本等益處,種種優點讓電子支票可望成為網際網路上一種安全可靠又便利的支付工具。 希望藉由本論文對於電子支票的介紹與設計理念,帶動後續相關研究使臻致完備,並實際應用在電子商務環境與大眾日常的支付活動中,為企業帶來效益與成本的優勢,為人民帶來生活便利與品質提昇。
In this thesis, the author presents a solution for on-line payment. The solution mimics the paper-check widely used in the brick-and-mortal world. FSTC (Financial Services Technologies Consortium)in the United States has developed a similar solution called e-Check, which utilizes the Financial Service Markup Language (FSML)to describe checks in a digital and exchangeable form. The advisor of this master thesis classified e-Check as one type of electronic check—the Circulation Type; he also outlined a second type—the Centralization Type. Following his thought, the author presents a third type—the Postal-Service Type. In this thesis, the author designs operational procedures for all three types; she also designs the format of digital checks using XML (eXtensible Markup Language)instead of FSML. At the end, she demonstrates a payer’s component for the Centralization Type. Pros and cons of the three types are discussed. The author, as well as her advisor, believes that the Centralization Type may be more suitable for applications in this society, because the success of the well-known centrally-repository system for securities trading could bring acceptance and trust to the public. Nevertheless, the research here is primitive; further study based on a complete system must be carried out in order to draw conclusions with sufficient evidence.
Appears in Collections:Thesis