標題: 定期船運之空櫃調度–以越太平洋航線為例
The Allocation of Empty Containers in Liner Shipping– Take Trans-Pacific Route as a Case
作者: 陳淑芬
Chen Shu-Fen
Shang-Hsing Hsieh
關鍵字: 空櫃調度;線性規劃模式;allocation of empty container;linear programming model
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 由於國際貿易的不平衡,導致貨櫃進出口量的不平衡,使得航商必須面臨空櫃的調度問題,一個成功的貨櫃船隊,有效的管理貨櫃是經營者必須具備的主要條件,因為在定期船隊的經營成本結構中,貨櫃的購置與調度成本佔很重要的部分,這些成本包含了空櫃的存置、貨櫃的租賃和空櫃的調度等。航商若無法合理的管理調度空櫃,不僅會產生高額的存置、調度貨櫃成本,有時為了因應貨主對於空櫃的需求,更必須購置或租賃額外的空櫃。 本研究以一兩階段數學模式研究定期船運公司在某特定航線上對於空櫃的管理調度過程,第一階段先計算各港口在各航次的多缺櫃量,以規劃期中重櫃的流通為依據,計算各港口在規劃期中每個航次可以自行經由重櫃的運抵拆解而產生的空櫃量,並進一步探討產生的空櫃量是否足夠供應該航次的需求量,由此階段的計算結果可定義出各港口在各航次的多缺櫃狀態。第二階段建立一數學線性規劃模式,計算規劃期中各港口、各航次所應儲存、租賃以及調度的空櫃量,模式在即時滿足顧客空櫃量需求的條件下,以最小成本為目標,進行空櫃的管理調度作業。 為使發展的數學模式更貼近實務需求,本研究參考國內某航運公司之越太平洋航線營運現況資料,進行實例的分析,以檢視模式的合理性。
Due to the imbalance of international trade, imbalanced inbound and outbound containers results in the relocation of empty containers problems. Efficient allocation of containers is an important part of a successful implementation of containerized shipping. The costs associated with the acquisition and the movement of containers constitute an important component of a liner operator’ s cost structure. These costs include the storage of empty containers, the lease of containers, and the relocation of empty containers, etc. Unreasonable distribution of empty containers may generate not only greater allocation and storage costs but also a lack of containers for cargo demand and may call for purchasing or leasing additional containers. These paper developed a two-stage model to study the process of containers control in a liner shipping company. First, we analyze the self-production behavior of containers and calculate any imbalance between the supply of and demand for containers at each port. Second, develops a linear programming model capable of dealing with containers leasing , stocking , and relocation in all individual ports in each voyage of planning horizon. The goal of math model is to minimize the total cost of managing empty containers while satisfying customer demand for timely availability of empty containers. In order to develop the math model more realistically , the trans-Pacific route of a global shipping company is taken as the real-world case.