Title: 全球物流條碼標準系統(EAN/UCC)內容及其發展應用
Global Logistics Bar Code Standard System of EAN/UCC and Its Applications
Authors: 郭怡宏
Yi-Hung Kuo
Anthony Fu-Wha Han
Keywords: 全球化運籌;條碼;資訊流;global logistics;bar code;information flow
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: EAN/UCC系統為歐洲商品編碼協會(European Article Numbering Association, EAN)與美國統一編碼協會(Uniform Code Council, UCC)所共同制訂的一套有利於任一產業的全球開放條碼標準。EAN/UCC系統能滿足全球物流運籌中有關「商務識別」及「資訊溝通」的系統需求,達到全球多產業供應鏈有效的管理。目前全世界已有100個會員國,超過900,000家企業使用EAN/UCC系統。本研究為國內深入探討EAN/UCC系統架構及物流供應鏈應用之探索性研究,並且以EAN/UCC系統在台灣之發展應用情形為個案,對目前台灣產業導入EAN/UCC系統應用之情形進行分析。
The EAN/UCC system is a set of bar code standards which enable the efficient management of global, multi-industry supply chains. By assigning unique codes and numbers to its member companies and their associated locations, products, shipping orders, containers, etc., the EAN/UCC provides critical information standards for global logistics management. It can satisfy the needs of ‘trade identification’ and ‘information communication’ for the entire supply chain. EAN and UCC have 98 member organizations representing 100 countries in the world, and there are 900,000 companies benefited from the EAN/UCC system. This research explored the global logistics bar code standard system—EAN/UCC contents, and discusses its applications.
This research first described the EAN/UCC system contents, and the global development projects initiated of EAN and UCC. The EAN/UCC system can be viewed in three components: identification numbers, data carriers, and EDI messages. The unique identification numbers can be carried by barcode symbols. This enables accurate data capture, and makes the required information communicate between all points of the supply chain.
Second, this research discussed the utilization and benefit of the EAN/UCC system to global supply chain members, such as material supplier, manufacture, wholesaler, distribution center, and retailer. We also presented diagrams to depict how the system enables the global information flow in the global supply chain.
Finally, this research examined the developments and applications of the EAN/UCC system in Taiwan. We found that 80% of member companies in Taiwan are manufactures and retailers. Member companies use the EAN/UCC system mainly on Trade item identification. Most member companies utilize the EAN/UCC system only for the internal control, not for the connection with trade partners. It seems that, under the trend of globalization, more Taiwanese companies should join and adopt the EAN/UCC system in order to upgrade the national competitiveness.
Appears in Collections:Thesis