標題: RFID基礎下之物流倉儲系統
A Study on the Application of RFID on Logistic Warehouse System
作者: 楊靜宜
Ching-Yi Yang
Chuan-Fang Wang
Tai-Sheng Huang
關鍵字: RFID;物流倉儲系統;深入訪談法;RFID;Logistic warehouse system;In-depth interview
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 鑒於RFID將成為資訊處理技術之主流,對物流作業之影響廣大且深遠,而物流倉儲管理居於物流作業關鍵地位,因此本研究選擇以物流倉儲管理為研究對象,探討RFID在物流倉儲系統中之應用。本研究首先分析物流倉儲中作業及資訊項目與處理流程間之關係,再依RFID特性,推論RFID基礎下之物流倉儲系統,並分析RFID應用對物流倉儲作業及資訊處理的影響及其可能產生之成本效益。 初步結論顯示RFID應用於物流倉儲後對其作業影響不大,主要的改變在於資訊取得及傳遞之方式,減少人員處理程序,並提高資訊處理的精確度。因此判斷成本效益不高,但若與自動化搬運與儲存設備系統整合、與供應鏈上下游整合,其成本效益應會提高。另外由RFID統一規格之發展判斷RFID應用之效益在於全球物流作業之整合。 為確定本研究初步結論之正確性,本研究選擇四家不同規模及特性的物流倉儲公司進行深入訪談。訪談結果顯示,研究之初步結論無誤,但受訪者亦提出在設置及導入RFID系統時,需考量到物流倉儲之規模大小、貨物價值等因素;而且受訪者認為第三方物流倉儲在RFID的導入屬於末端,必須配合上游廠商的意願。
Since the technology of RFID will become the mainstream in information processing and will tremendously influence the operation of logistics, and warehouse management plays an important role in the operation of logistics, this study will probe the application of RFID on warehouse management. Firstly, the relationship between the operation procedure and information in warehouse is analyzed, and then a RFID based logistic warehouse system is designed, and how RFID affect the operation of logistics and the possible cost-benefit is investigated. The preliminary conclusion shows that the application of RFID doesn’t greatly affect the operation of logistic warehouse. The main effect is on the items of information obtaining and transmitting. Maybe RFID decrease the loading of personnel and increase accuracy on information processing. Consequently, we estimate that the cost-benefit effect is not obvious. However, if RFID is combined with automated storage and retrieval system, or combined with supply chain, its cost-benefit would obvious. In addition, we conclude that the benefit from the application of RFID in global logistic operation relies on its uniformity. In order to confirm the preliminary conclusion, this research chooses four companies of different scales and characteristics and interviews with them. This result of in-depth interview shows that the preliminary conclusion is correct. Interviewees propose that while set up RFID system, it needs to consider some factors , such as scale of the logistics warehouse, value of goods, etc.. And interviewees think that when Third-Party Logistics want to insert the RFID system, Third-Party Logistics must cooperate with the will of upper and down stream of supply chain.


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