標題: 艱困事業民營化政策執行力之探討—台汽客運公司民營化個案為例
Implementation of privatization policy for troubled businesses-- A case study of Taiwan Motor Transport Corp.’s privatization
作者: 林書賢
Shu-Hsien Lin
Sou-Shan Wu
Chi-Kuo Mao
關鍵字: 艱困事業;Troubled Businesses
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 在經濟大環境呈現不景氣的影響之下,經營體質良好的公營事業要移轉民營,猶須運用各種策略(如海外釋股、策略聯盟、全民釋股等)來尋求民營化的契機,至於經營艱困的公營事業,囿於極度惡劣的主客觀條件,欲順利民營化更是困難重重。本研究即以「艱困事業民營化政策執行力」作為分析的重心,對於「執行方案變遷場合」試從「政策環境」、「執行主體」及「標的團體」等面向,探討政府推動艱困事業民營化政策之執行問題,以及應如何規劃出具體可行的執行方案,期使民營化政策目標順遂之際,亦能兼顧員工的權益。本研究係藉由相關的專論研究,討論我國政府執行政策的能力,期以瞭解目前民營化政策執行力有何顯著的問題。接著,再參酌國內外的理論性與經驗性文獻,研擬出一個簡潔但力求完整之探討民營化政策執行力的研究架構,並以台汽客運公司民營化個案為例檢證本研究架構之可行性,以作為相關主管機關規劃艱困事業民營化執行方案的參考。 台灣汽車客運公司於民國90年7月1日完成民營化,該公司民營化執行方案的設計主軸,係以「員工集資籌組新公司,承接營運車輛及路線」為民營化策略,採取「標售資產」方式移轉民營,並輔以「專案精簡」、「優惠租賃條件」作為維繫新舊客運公司過渡承接營運及員工權益保障的關鍵性配套措施,此實是政府以嶄新的思考模式,重新建構民營化的方式,研擬出適合個別公營事業特性之執行方案,兼顧員工權益及減少納稅人負擔,以達成移轉民營的政策目標。本研究認為台汽客運公司民營化之效益包括「國光客運公司正式營運後營業績效及運輸服務尚佳」、「引導部分違規業者取得合法經營權納入運輸管理正軌」、「減輕政府財務負擔及解除台汽公司破產危機」,以及「樹立民營化成功典範提供其他艱困事業民營化仿傚的價值」。再者,有關台汽客運公司民營化執行模式之應用性,本研究認為包括「執行機關及人員」、「標的團體」,以及「民營化階段性策略」等三個層面;最後,本研究並提出三點政策建議:即「員工集資承接方式予以法制化」、「優惠經營條件及措施予以法制化」,以及「政府宜統合處理移轉民營後留存之資產負債問題」。
When the broader economy is depressed, an operationally sound publicly owned company that wants to privatize ought to use various strategies (such as a foreign share-offering, strategic alliances, or a general release of shares to the public) to find the best way to that goal. Smooth privatization of a troubled publicly owned firm, hemmed in by its straitened circumstances, is many degrees more difficult. The core of our research looked at implementation of the privatization policy for troubled companies. Changes in the implementation measures were investigated in respect to the policy environment, implementing bodies and target groups to understand the implementation problems of the government’s policy of pushing the privatization of troubled companies and also how the government should develop specific and feasible implementation programs so that privatization proceeds well and the interests of workers are protected. Our research discusses, with reference to other related academic papers, the policy implementation abilities of Taiwan’s government. The research was intended to help understand any conspicuous problems with the current implementation of privatization policy. In turn, looking closely at theoretical and practical literature and records in Taiwan and abroad we formulated a concise but as complete as possible analytical framework to investigate implementation of privatization policies, using Taiwan Motor Transport Corp. as an example to corroborate the practicality of this analytical framework. Such a framework is intended to be used as reference by administrative authorities planning implementation measures for the privatization of troubled companies TMTC was completely privatized on July 1, 2001. The privatization implementation measures were constructed around a strategy of workers raising funds to form a new company and inheriting vehicles and routes from the old company. The privatization process proceeded by selling off other assets by tender. Streamlining of the organization and preferential rental conditions were crucial measures intended to hold the company together during the transition and safeguard workers’ interests. This was the government showing new thinking, establishing a new form of privatization, and producing implementation measures that could be fitted to the specific characteristics of individual publicly-owned businesses, while at the same considering workers rights and reducing the burden on taxpayers. Our research concluded that the benefits of TMTC privatization were that the post-privatization business performance and service provided by Kuokuang Co., TMTC’s successor company, have been good; some illegal operators have been led to legitimizing their businesses, bringing them under official transport management; lightening of the government’s financial burden and removing the threat of TMTC bankruptcy; and setting an example of successful privatization for other troubled businesses to copy. Further, our research concluded that the TMTC privatization implementation model was applicable to implementing bodies and officials, target groups and the strategy of phased privatization. Finally, our research produced three policy suggestions: the staff-buyout scheme should be given a legal footing, preferential operating conditions and measures should also be recognized legally and the government should integrate handling of the problem of debts that remain post-privatization.
Appears in Collections:Thesis