標題: 半導體產業競爭策略群組及關鍵成功因素之研究-------- 以我國IC測試廠商為例
The Study of Semiconductor Industry Competitive Strategy Groups andKey Successful Factors --- Taking the Taiwan’s IC Testing Houses as Examples.
作者: 章義明
Dr. Tzong-Yau Chu
關鍵字: 競爭策略群組;關鍵成功因素;產業分析;Competitive Strategy Groups;Key Success Factors;Industrial Analysis
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 測試是積體電路(IC)產業中重要的一環。IC 測試屬於高資本密集的代工服務業,如果沒有在生產產能與設備性能上持續投資,則不但企業的生命將告一段落,客戶也將受到傷害。因此了解我國IC測試廠商是屬於那些競爭策略群組,以及那些項目是我國IC測試廠商心目中的關鍵成功因素,極為重要。 本研究透過針對業界中高階主管的問卷調查,以及實地訪談一些設備供應商、上游客戶與產業分析師來了解這些產業關係人心目中的關鍵成功因素為何,與產業內得到的有什麼不同。做為提供政府與已經進入或計劃進入這個產業的企業,配合本身的核心競爭力,擬定競爭策略時參考。 本研究結論為: 首先在競爭策略群組方面,在22家回覆者職位最高者的心目中,有11家是將營運效能導向擺在第一位,有9 家將工程技術領導導向放在第一位,有2家將親密顧客服務導向放在第一位。其次在關鍵成功因素方面,本研究提出的十五個關鍵成功因素被業界與上下游相關人士認定為我國IC測試廠商的關鍵成功因素。再者對業者的建議為: 1.確認出自己屬於何種群組型態,深入探討出自己的SWOT,以便訂定出最適合自己的策略方向。2.降低機台採購的成本。3.加強人才的培育,而且不管是否擁有一套留住人才的辦法。4.建立對市場趨勢的敏感度。5.策略聯盟。最後對政府的建議為: 1.鼓勵相關產業投入人才與資金,提高我國IC測試設備的自製率。2.協助業界人才培育。
The IC testing plays a very important role in Semiconductor Chain。To April 2001,there were 37 IC testing houses in Taiwan. IC testing characteristic belongs to highly intensive capital OEM service. If without continuous investment on production capacities and equipment features, testing business will close soon and impact the customers seriously. So to understand which competitive strategy groups our IC testing house belonged to and which items were the Key Success Factors (KSF) in our IC testing houses became the cores of the study. This study was conducted by sending the questionnaires to the middle and high level managers worked at Taiwan’s IC testing house and personal visited their customers, equipment vendors and industrial analyst to understand what were the KSF in IC testing houses and had any differences between former and latter. To provide the Government and the player now and the new comer in the future as reference when they set their strategy to harmonize with their core competence. The conclusions of the study were: 一. For competitive strategic groups, we got the reply from the 22 by 37 IC testing houses and found there were 11 testing houses considered the operational excellence to be the first important. 9 testing houses considered the engineering technique to be the first important and 2 testing houses considered the customer intimacy to be the first important. 二. For KSF, All of the IC testing houses, their customers, equipment vendors and industrial analyst recognized the KSF proposed in the study 三. The suggestions to the IC testing house. 1. Identify to which group you belonged. Deeply analyzed own SWOT then set up the better strategy that fit own requirements. 2. Reduce the purchased price of testing equipment. 3. Always do the personnel training and no matter how to keep them. 4. Built up the sensitivity to IC product marketing trend. 5. Strategy Alliance. 四. The suggestions to the Government. 1. Encourage the related business to develop high end testing equipment. 2. Assist the IC testing house at personnel training.