Title: 渦輪分子真空幫浦轉子動態分析與輕量化設計
The Dynamic Analysis and Lightweight Design of Compound Turbo Molecular Pumps
Authors: 曾建中
Chien-Chung Tseng
An-Chen Lee
Keywords: 動態分析;輕量化;複合式渦輪分子幫浦;有限元素法;Dynamic Analysis;Lightweight;Compound Turbo Molecular Pump;finite element analysis
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本文的主要目的是在分析複合式渦輪分子真空幫浦轉子在旋轉下的應力分佈並求出轉子的自然振動頻率,在材料允許安全範圍之下作輕量化設計之研究。 因實際轉子為複合式之軸心,其軸心由鎳鉻鉬鋼及層狀矽鋼片所組成,由於要採用ANSYS模擬其複合式渦輪分子真空幫浦轉子在旋轉下的應力分佈並求出轉子的自然振動頻率,故在模擬時,將其軸心化簡為同一材料鎳鉻鉬鋼,減少繁雜的演算,以做到等效的結果,方便做為未來設計上的評估。藉由振動實驗找出其實際的自然頻率值做為依據來調整估算的設計尺寸。 最後分析幫浦轉子在材料安全範圍之內(包括強度、變形、共振頻率),給予分子真空幫浦做輕量化設計。輕量化帶來整體上重量的減輕,在材料成本的付出也相對的減少。
The purpose of this thesis to the article analyze the stress distribution of the rotor under rotating, find the natural frequency of the rotor of the compound turbo molecular pump, and make lightweight design under the range of safety of the materials. The shaft of rotor is compound, composed of Ni-Cr-Mo steel and laminar structure Si steel. We simplify the shaft to be single material with Ni-Cr-Mo steel to reduce the calculation so as to have identical effect in the future design. Then we find the actual natural frequency from vibration experiment. To adjust the shaft size accordingly to the natural frequency. Finally, lightweight design for the molecular vacuum pump within is proposed the safety region of the material of the rotor of the pump, including strength, deformation and resonance frequency. The design has the advantage to decrease the whole weight, and decrease the cost of the materials.
Appears in Collections:Thesis