標題: 雙氧籠狀化合物之面向選擇性反應之研究及旋光性四氧籠狀化合物之合成
Facial Stereoselective Reaction of Dioxa-Cages and Synthesis of Chiral Tetraoxa-Cages
作者: 楊孟璋
吳 獻 仁
關鍵字: cage
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本論文的第一部份,成功地以Wittig反應合成出化合物9,我們利用化合物9及化合物16研究雙氧籠狀化合物進行親電性加成反應時的面向立體選擇性,由化合物10、化合物11及化合物17、化合物17A 的比例可發現其結果為anti addition > syn addition。化合物17的立體化學可由化合物18之單晶繞射結構圖直接證明。 論文的第二部份,利用掌性輔助劑(1S)-(-)-camphanic chloride分離出具光學活性的化合物(+)20、化合物(-)20和化合物(+)22、化合物(-)22,再以它們為出發物合成出旋光性四氧籠狀化合物(+)41、化合物(-)41和化合物(+)42、化合物(-)42。
In the first part, compound 9 was synthesized successfully via Wittig reaction. We studied on facial stereoselectivity of dioxa-cage compounds 9 and 16 by electrophilic reactions, the proportions of the adducts showed that anti- adducts are the major products. The stereochemistry of compound 17 was proved by the X-ray analysis of compound 18. We resoluted optical active compound (+)20, (-)20, (+)22, (-)22 by using chiral auxiliary (1S)-(-)-camphanic chloride, chiral tetraoxa-cage compound (+)41, (-)41, (+)42, (-)42 were synthesized successfully in the second part.