標題: 利用連續傳導及不連續傳導於昇壓型功因修正模塊設計之比較
Comparison Between Using CCM And DCM Boost Power Factor Correction Converter Model Design
作者: 潘昱成
Yu-Cheng Pan
Dr. Yung-Chun Wu
關鍵字: 功率因數修正;連續傳導模式;不連續傳導模式;磁滯電流控制法;峰值電流控制法;平均電流控制法;定頻自動控制法;變頻邊界控制法;power factor correction, PFC;continuous conduction mode, CCM;discontinuous conduction mode, DCM;hysteresis current control;peak current control;average current control;constant frequency automatic control;borderline control
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 本篇論文在比較模塊設計於昇壓型功因修正器操作在連續傳導和不連續傳導的優缺點。由於一般電腦或電器之電源供應器大多沒有功因修正,但現今各工業先進國家皆制訂功因及諧波管制之標準與限制,故現今其產品勢必要做功因之修正,所以本文比較主動式昇壓型功因修正器操作在連續傳導和不連續傳導的優缺點。其連續傳導架構採用平均電流控制法操作在固定頻率下,有切換在固定頻率和輸入電流失真較小等優點,須加電流誤差放大器與較複雜的控制迴路等缺點。其不連續傳導架構採用變頻邊界控制法操作在固定導通時間變動頻率下,有較簡單的控制迴路和較小的切換損失等優點,切換在變動頻率和輸入電流漣波較大等缺點。將兩者在成本、效率、功率密度等之差異比較。本文使用PSIM模擬軟體對所提出的控制方法進行電腦模擬分析,並利用LT1249控制IC來實現昇壓型連續傳導平均電流法,和利用MC33262控制IC來實現昇壓型不連續傳導變頻邊界控制法,並完成其硬體製作與實驗比較。最後由本文設定測試項目與基準來比較獲得之實驗結果,其不連續傳導變頻邊界控制電路在效率、成本、複雜度均優於連續傳導平均電流控制電路。
This thesis presents the advantage and disadvantage of comparison between using CCM and DCM boost power factor correction converter model design. Because the power supply of the general computer or electric appliance most not have power factor correction, but now every industry-advanced country established the standard and limit of the power factor and harmonics. So now the product must correct the power factor. Therefore, this thesis compared the advantage and disadvantage of activing boost-type power factor correction converter between using CCM and DCM. The CCM-type used average current control method and operated in the fixed frequency. The CCM-type had some advantages of the fixed frequency and smaller input current distortion; some disadvantages of need to add current error amplifier and more complex control loop. The DCM-type used borderline control method and operated in the fixed on time and variable frequency. The DCM-type had some advantages of more easy control loop and smaller switching lose; some disadvantages of switching on variable frequency and. larger input current ripple. To compare the diversity of the both between the cost、efficiency and power density. The thesis used PSIM computer simulated software to simulate and analyze the control method which been presented. To use LT1249 control IC achieved boost-type CCM average current control method, and using MC33262 control IC achieved boost-type DCM borderline control method. So, the hardware fabrication was finished to compare experimental result. Finally, the result followed test items and standard that the thesis set up. The DCM borderline control circuit on the cost、efficiency and complication was better to CCM average current control circuit.
Appears in Collections:Thesis