Title: | 傳統鞋業之轉型與創新─由貿易商成為市場整合者 Transformation and Innovation of a Footwear Trade Company from a Middleman to a Market Integrator |
Authors: | 陳淑珍 Janna Chen 朱博湧 許祿寶 Po-Young Chu Lu-Pao Hsu 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 轉型;創新;整合者;鞋業;transformatoin;innovation;integrator;footwear |
Issue Date: | 2001 |
Abstract: | 傳統鞋業之轉型與創新─由貿易商成為市場整合者 學生:陳淑珍 指導教授:朱博湧 教授 許祿寶 教授 國立交通大學 高階主管管理學程碩士班 摘 要 『變革』是企業經營之靈魂,處於多變的時代,企業必須隨時不斷的調整改變。所謂過去促成企業成長的成功模式,可能是今日企業失敗的主要原因;這是一個經驗無法連續的時代,變革的速度愈慢,傷害也就愈大。 台灣自然資源匱乏,加入WTO後,面對自由化、全球化、資訊化的新議題,各行各業亟思轉型,過去台灣以製造為主,現在則必須往高附加價值作提昇以服務為導向。然而,服務仍必須有產品為前提,當產業外移後,如何整合製造與服務,台灣的企業應該拋棄過去代工時期不接觸市場,不知所以然的生產,轉而深入瞭解並推出迎合市場需求的產品;同時,在供需價值鏈中尋求價值利基以獲得能爭取最大利潤之地位。 製鞋屬勞力密集的產業,進入障礙低,規模一向不大,但極富彈性;從上游供應商到下游通路以及消費者,幾乎涵蓋了完整的供應與需求鏈。因原物料的使用種類繁多、製造過程瑣碎,早期的鞋廠幾乎都將鞋面發放到鄰近的家庭外包加工,此種垂直分工一直存在。九○年代中晚期,因勞動力缺乏、工資高漲,在價格壓力下台灣鞋廠被迫移往海外;由於製造生產技術成熟,過去在台灣只有二、三條生產線,移往海外後,在土地、勞力取得容易下,瞬間成長至五、六條甚至一、二十條的生產線,縱使是在語言、風俗、民情、文化不相同的國家,如:印尼、越南,其成功的跨國企業經營模式值得各界探討。 台灣經濟倚賴外銷,早期貿易商在國際貿易中扮演舉足輕重的角色;轉型後,如何從單純的區域性仲介買賣成為全球性的資源整合及運籌管理,是未來極大的挑戰。本論文將從貿易商的定位與價值切入,探討顧客的價值需求,進而建立企業的願景與策略,以及所應具備的商業能力和支援性的組織基礎建設,作為現階段流程改善與資源投資之根據。 傑出的商業流程能力,必須有健全的基礎建設作後盾;流程若沒有績效作評估,指標供衡量,是無法持續改善。專注於核心專長,掌握供需價值鏈中之主要價值,是整合者的首要任務。流程改造是需要資訊科技的協助才容易成功,尤其在今日網際網路突飛猛進時代,如果不能善用科技力量,我們將很快地被吞噬在這劇變的洪流中。 然而,人才與公司文化才是企業成功最重要的因素;台灣教育普及,企業如何善用此人力資源,在共同營造的公司文化與價值共識下,邁向高附加價值的服務事業,才是台灣企業所必須深思的課題。 Transformation and Innovation of a Footwear Trade Company from a Middleman to a Market Integrator Student: Janna Chen Advisors: Dr. Po-Young Chu Dr. Lu-Pao Hsu Master Program of Management for Executives National Chiao Tung University ABSTRACT “Revolution” is the soul of enterprises. The old belief such as the past successful model to grow could be a main cause of failure nowadays. Enterprises must be ready to adjust at any time to face the rapid changes. Facing the impacts from business liberalization, globalization, and Internet as well as the new environment after the participation to the WTO, Taiwanese enterprises are eager to work on the transformation. In the past, the industries in Taiwan solely focused on manufacturing but now they have to upgrade to provide the customer service that is high value-added. This means becoming an integrator of manufacturing and services. Instead of simply being an OEM, a firm needs to devote efforts to making the right products to satisfy customers. Therefore, such a valued position in the demand and supply chain can further enable enterprises to win the most profitable place. Now the greatest challenge is how a Taiwanese trade company transforms from a regional middleman to a worldwide information integrator and global logistics coordinator. Outstanding business procedures rely on the sound foundation. Without valid performance indices for evaluation, the improvement cannot move on. The integrator’s first job is to concentrate on building up his core competence and to perform his major valued activities in the chain. Also the re-engineering processes cannot succeed if without the aid of information technology (IT). Without using the power of IT, enterprises will soon be overwhelmed by the rapid changes. This thesis starts with re-defining the values of an international trade enterprise from customers’ old, as well as new requirements. This should help enterprises to sharpen their vision, to formulate strategies, and to build up business capabilities to construct the supportive structure for improving operations and investment. Through the real case study of a ladies fashion shoe company’s transformation by adopting innovative performance indices, the thesis documents how the firm examines problems and develops solutions to change itself from a traditional business middleman into an integrator of multinational business. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/69539 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |