Title: 臺灣軟體公司國際化成功因素探討
The Success Factors of Taiwan Software Company Internationalization
Authors: 吳正宜
Wu, Jeng-Yi
Chyan Yang
Keywords: 國際化;關鍵成功因素;軟體;套裝軟體;經營管理;資訊服務
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 台灣軟體市場規模,雖然每年有百分之二十以上的快速成長,然而整體的市場規模或外銷產值,與世界市場相比,仍不到 1%。 佔世界產值極小的部分。 我國傳統軟體服務業,普遍是中小企業的經營模式,和在世界名列前茅的資訊硬體工業產值和外銷規模不能相比。 然而,從另一個角度來看,這也表示,我國軟體的成長與外銷蘊藏了極大的成長空間。 軟體產業是強調人才、腦力而無污染的高科技產業。 資本額小,進入障礙低,然而需要靠極佳的創意與快速的應變,才能成長。 是符合知識經濟時代及台灣未來成長的要求。 本研究是從文獻的探討,對我國目前軟體產業的狀況、軟體廠商國際化的動機、市場進入策略、關鍵成功因素、國際化所面臨的困難等作一整理分析,再輔以個案廠商趨勢科技與思源科技的訪談及資料收集,研究並了解台灣軟體公司國際化的成功要素,以印證文獻所歸納出來的結論與個案公司的關鍵成功要素是否異同,以作為其它軟體公司欲進軍國際之參考。 根據個案公司訪談及文獻資料比對,本研究之各項重要因素都近乎相同,其中人才與技術仍是軟體廠商國際化成功的最重要因素。
The business scale of Taiwan software market is growth 20% every year. Although it increases sharply, however, compare with the world software market, the revenue of Taiwan internal and export software products still less than 1%. Most of Taiwan software companies are small companies, they are far behind Taiwan IT(hardware) companies which now are in the leading position in the world. However, from the other hand, it represents Taiwan software companies have great opportunities and room to growth in the world market. Software business need talent people, great ideas and fast reactions, also, it is important that software never create pollutions. Low initial investment and low entry barrier are very suitable to the Chinese people characters in Taiwan. Software business is quite matching the next stage requirement of Taiwan economic growth. This thesis is start from literatures study, to evaluate Taiwan software business status, marketing strategies, key success factors and problems faced in internationalization, then, accompany with case study, to deeply understand the key success factors of these case companies. We hope the conclusion of this thesis can contribute to the Taiwan software companies who want to enter the global market. According the data collected from literatures and case companies, we found that People and Creative Technologies are the most important factors for Taiwan Software company success in global market.
Appears in Collections:Thesis