標題: 運用模糊多評準法評量IC設計業者委託晶圓代工生產考慮因素與地區偏好
Using the Fuzzy MCDM Method to Study the Evaluation Criteria and Location Preferences of Foundry Service Providers by IC Designers
作者: 郭麗芬
Li-Fen Kuo
Dr. Hsiao-cheng Yu
Dr. Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: IC設計業者;晶圓代工;模糊多評準;地區偏好;IC Design;IC Foundry;Fuzzy-MCDM;Location Preferences
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 過去五年全球晶圓代工產值高度成長,吸引業者相繼大量投資IC製程設備,甚至連中國大陸也積極搶攻此一市場。本研究探討IC設計業者委託晶圓代工生產時主要考量的因素,運用模糊多評準法評量IC設計業者下單時所考量的準則與對生產地區之偏好。本文針對北美、台灣、歐洲、以色列、及新加坡等地的IC設計業者進行問卷調查,總計發出398份問卷、回收78份,有效問卷共計63份。研究結果顯示「半導體技術與製程能力」考量構面相對重要性最高(0.539)、其次為「客戶服務與後勤支援」構面(0.322)、最低為「代工地區整體環境」構面(0.139)。在IC設計業者委託晶圓代工生產地區偏好方面,台灣地區為最高(69.0)、其次依序為新加坡(66.6)、北美地區(62.4)、日本(61.7)、歐洲地區(57.9)、韓國(54.4)、以及中國大陸(48.0)。本研究結果可以作為晶圓代工業者提昇服務品質、以及擬定公司競爭策略之參考。
The revenues of IC foundry services skyrocketed in the last five years before 2000. Foundry operators across the globe were prepared to invest capitals to build 12” IC foundries in order to be competitive. Unfortunately, global high tech industry slow down and foundry over-built dragged IC foundry operators into heavy losses. This research uses the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCMD)method to study fourteen evaluation criteria from three major perspectives by IC designers when selecting foundry service providers. This research surveyed 398 IC designers throughout the world. Among the three major perspectives, the “semiconductor technologies and foundry processing techniques” are heavily weighted(0.539); the “customer services and logistic support” are the next(0.322); and the “geographical location considerations” are weighted the least (0.139). The relative foundry location preferences are Taiwan (69.0), Singapore (66.6), North America(62.4), Japan(61.7), Europe(57.9), Korea(54.4), and China(48.0). The findings of this paper can provide directions of service quality improvements and adjustments of competitive strategies for IC foundry operators.
Appears in Collections:Thesis