Title: 台灣健身器材產業西進大陸策略分析 - 以喬山為例
Developing Strategy of Taiwanese Fitness Industry in China
Authors: 王文信
Wen-Hsin, Wang
Benjamin Yuan
Keywords: 健身器材產業;策略分析;目標管理;2008年奧運;Fitness industry;strategic analysis;MBO;2008 Olympic
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 大陸近年來漸漸成為全球最重要的生產基地,除了當地極少數自有品牌之外,大陸健身器材業者正循著台灣過去數十年來工業發展的軌跡,以OEM代工之方式培養自己的技術。台灣健身器材廠商面臨大陸廠商價格競爭的壓力,也開始到大陸投資設廠。然而台灣業者在大陸的經營方式,是應該到大陸落地生根,以更低的價格與大陸廠商競爭,還是應該建立其它的競爭優勢?
China has already become the most important manufacturing base in the world. Chinese fitness industry is, following the path of Taiwanese companies, accumulating manufacturing techniques through OEM business model. Taiwanese fitness industry is facing price competition from Chinese manufacturers. Some of the manufacturers started to invest facilities in China. However, should Taiwanese companies compete with Chinese suppliers with lower price, or to establish other types of competitive advantages?
China will host the 2008 Olympic Game in Beijing. The preparation of the game is expected to create 0.3~0.4% GDP growth for China every year. However, the opportunity for fitness industry following Olympic economic, is obviously not as promising as other related industry, such as fundamental infrastructure. On the contrary, the prosperous economics after Olympic game is the real opportunity for fitness industry, which is considered as luxury product.
This study is based on exploring of Johnson Health Technology’s developing strategy and performance in China. Also to demonstrate that moving the entire company to China and fall into the price competition is not a good developing strategy. Making high premium profit from designing and brand-name marketing, and developing a diversified infrastructure of “Marketing guides designing, designing leads production, production supports marketing” are more appropriate strategies for Taiwanese fitness industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis